Written by Elfen Sciuridae
These are just minor details about some of my characters; some are more obvious than others. In no particular order:
Ada – is slightly cross-eyed. It could be a case of “Lazy-Eye” but it has never been confirmed, but her right eye it more to the left than at center where it should be. Otherwise, her eyesight is normal for a bird her age.
Ada (again) – has yellow irises. That within itself does not mean much. But since she is a daughter of a red/orange-eyed brother/green-eyed sister incest relationship, her eye color is in the middle of both parents. It just worked out that way or her.
Fernando – is ambidextrous.
Fernando (again) – eye color is lighter than his fur. It is made up of several brown/purple/yellow bands when from far away look like a single color but at close kissing range, one can see the rings. They do change colors but that depends on the flow of blood to the iris and not because of unstable genetics.
Rosita (as Fernando’s Twin) – because she has his memories implanted to fill in the gaps of her absence, she is bi-sexual because some of his favorites also were given to her on top of what she had before. Originally she was heterosexual when alive but implanting his heterosexual preferences onto hers during her reincarnation made her bi. The target of her bi-sexuality is mostly Rachel but she has hit on others, Rachel does not like Rosita’s attention but puts up with it to be with Fernando.
Lareina – is the least sexually active of all the other sisters, though she likes it as much as the others. For her it is more like who she wants to have sex with than just having sex as with some of the others. Thus in having sex with Fernando, she may have found a partner in him that she can feel comfortable with in doing it, other than with her sister Daniella and the LoliBuster 2000.
Alejandra – is the second least sexually active of the bunch, for she is more like a mother to her younger twin sisters than a sister to them, especially to Saturnina who has the same light blindness condition Fernando has. Alejandra is the one who has to think for the others as the leader of the group.
Gabriella – is the third most sexually active of the girls despite her light allergy condition that she and her younger twin sisters have. It is because her younger twin sisters are always doing each other and many times have turned on her as well. She’s at a point where if they pounce on her, she’s going to give in and enjoy what they are going to do to her. Sometimes when one twin is alone, to teach them a lesson, she would pounce on that one that is there but it is rare for them to be separated.
Tonya – is not the Tonya of True Stories, but there is another Tonya (not yet mentioned there) who is younger and used to hang out with the girls Jorge was with (Francis, Joanna, Sabrina, Tonya, at el).
Lambsey Divey – is a half-year-older than Fernando and one grade ahead of him. She is also cross-eyed like Ada and very near-sighted though you can’t tell she’s cross-eyed from looking at her when she wears her thick glasses. She is also part Asian (Tibetan) sheep, which is noticeable in her eyes. Lambsey does not attend St. LoveJoy’s or Green Hills Academy, but another school (Columbus Academy).
[Spoilers on up-coming characters]
Suzy – used have a sexual relationship with Fernando shortly after Rosita originally died. But being Asian, she kept reminding him that they could not be boyfriend/girlfriend and that her parents could never find out what they had. But before her ‘disappearance’, she would go to China and Asia for a few weeks. During this vacation time and her disappearance, he would have a sexual relationship with his cousin Maria and later with her sister Sophie too. Suzy will not attend St. LoveJoy’s or Green Hills Academy, but another school (Columbus Academy).
Maria – the one member of his family who is more like Fernando than his other sisters. Though she is his cousin, it will be discovered that she is his sister as well. It turns out that his father had an affair with her mother after his cousin Alex was born and she was born 8 months later. Sophie shares her father’s DNA with Alex and Nancy, but this would make the others of that side of the family as 1/2-siblings. Maria and Sophie will not attend St. LoveJoy’s or Green Hills Academy, but another school (Columbus Academy).
Maria (again) – she has some light sensitivity like Fernando and Saturina but does not wear dark glasses. Instead she is always squinting, so she looks like she is either high on something or sleepy all the time. She has worn his dark glasses and they did help her but she does not have a set of her own.
Maria (again) – How she and Fernando met is simple, he went to visit Alex and help do homework as they were in the same class. She would meet Fernando and began developing a crush on him and would always talk about him, comparing him to Alex. Alex would get jealous and angry at her afterwards. One day Alex catches her alone in the house checking out his porn stash and touching her self so he decides to rape her. This would last a few months and then end as he moved onto Sophie. But now wanting sex, she decides if she could get Fernando to do her and they become a secret couple soon after that. Sophie would join in this little sex circle much later on. It is with both Maria and Suzy that Fernando learns how to satisfy a girl and it is more important than he getting satisfied. Because of this, Maria wants to be nailed by Fernando as much as possible, though she knows that it can not happen all the time.
…More to come later on.