Written by Elfen Sciuridae
– A Painful Cure –
Rachel decides to make it an early night and goes to bed right after dinner. After cleaning up the room, returning the empty glass Fernando drank from with his pills to the kitchen, she looked into her box and the things inside. She thought about putting out a few things, but decides to leave it for another day. She takes off her shorts, and t-shirt, putting them away in the clothes hamper to be washed another day. She crawls back into Fernando’s bed again in the same position she was before to him. It took a while for her to sleep as she wondered if this was how husbands and wives would have slept. If she only knew the truth about how rare it was for married couples to be happily married after several years. Thus she goes to bed happily thinking how lucky she was to have a big brother like Fernando, because as before, living with her mother, she had nothing.
While most would be watching TV into the night, Rachel and Fernando slept. Jorge on the other hand was downstairs watching the reruns of Benny Hill, taking down notes on what can be done with large pieces of flat wooden boards. Grandma was in the kitchen, putting away leftovers, and prepares the kitchen for the next day’s breakfast run. She walks out of the kitchen and into the living room, behind Jorge. She looks at the TV to see what he was watching.
{Translated from Spanish}
“What is this craziness, people hitting people with sticks? Go to bed when you’re done with this program.”, Grandma says.
“Aww… It’s a Benny Hill Marathon!”, Jorge complains.
“I don’t care if it’s the New York City Marathon. When the show is over, you go to bed.”, Grandma orders him. She takes to one of the seats in the living room to see if he complies. She takes a leather belt and puts it on her lap.
Jorge notices her actions and tries to make a comment to save himself, “You should check on Fernando and Rachel. They’re probably fucking in their room right now!”
“If Fernando and Rachel are fucking, then so be it. You think I got him that girl so he could play dress up with her as if she was a doll? He saved that girl from a lot of hurt and possible death, and she is willing to pay him back for it by being his little slave. I find nothing wrong with that, especially since he needs a lot of help with his handicap that you are not so willing to help with.”, Grandma explains.
“That’s not fair!”, Jorge almost yells.
“You yelling at me boy?”, Grandma looks at him sternly, taking the leather belt to her hand.
“No! I’m Sorry! I Did Not Mean To Yell!”, Jorge apologizes profusely.
“You know better…”, Grandma tells him sternly. “TV Time Is Over! Go To Bed!”, she says as she slaps the belt against the floor.
Jorge yelps as he jumps out the way and runs up the stairs to his room. Grandma gets up off the chair and goes to the TV to turn it off. With the room dark, she makes her way to the stairs to her room. Along the way she checks up on Fernando and Rachel, finding them in the same bed. Grandma could only smile as she walks out the room.
[The Following Morning]
Rachel wakes up at the crack of dawn and the smell of biscuits and bacon in the air. She slowly sits up, stopping when Fernando’s hand, which was resting by her arm, slides down to her groin. She has to smile to herself for a second, as she turns around to check up on him going through a mental list to check off. ‘Sleeping boy- check. Hard on- double check, make that triple check! I wish you were awake and well again…’, she thought to herself. Looking around she takes a fresh t-shirt and puts it on before going downstairs.
She makes her way to the kitchen and dining area, looking at Grandma make breakfast.
{Translated from Spanish}
“Anything I can do to help, Grandma?”, Rachel asks.
“I’m almost done, dear. Go wash up before Jorge takes over the bathroom and hogs up all the hot water.”, Grandma tells her. “Then later you can take up Fernando his breakfast after you eat.”
“Alright Grandma!”, Rachel says before running up stairs to her room. She takes her towel, a bar of soap, and a change of underwear with her to the bathroom. She takes a 10-minute hot water shower. Going to her room in the fresh change of underwear, she starts fluffing out her tail with the tail brush. She goes down stairs while still brushing her tail and sits at the dining table. Grandma puts a plate of food in front of her: 2 fried eggs, bacon, a couple of freshly baked biscuits and a glass of OJ. She places a jar of jelly on the table for Rachel to put on the biscuit.
Jorge runs down the stairs and sits on the dining table waiting to be served. Grandma gives him a stern look.
“Go take a shower before you come down to eat!”, Grandma tells him. He slowly gets up out the chair and goes up stairs to the bathroom. “What am I going to do with that boy?”, Grandma says to herself. Rachel looks at her, wanting to give her an answer but better if she didn’t, so she doesn’t. She eats her meal, wondering what will today bring.
Jorge comes down to eat when Rachel is putting her plate and drinking glass into the sink and washes them before putting them away. Grandma serves him his food. Grandma then gives Rachel a covered plate to take upstairs to Fernando. As Rachel leaves to take Fernando his breakfast, Jorge complains.
“Why must he have things done for him!”, Jorge complains out loud.
A leather belt slaps the table, missing his breakfast plate by inches. Jorge freezes in place as Grandma looks at him with a mean and disgusted look, “When a doctor tells me that you are going to suffer in life with vision problems and severe headaches, then I’ll go find a girl to wait on you hand and foot! Until then, you got a healthy body and mind, so you better do what you can for yourself because nobody will for the likes of you!”
“But He’s Faking It!”, Jorge yells out. Grandma was appalled at his reaction, and reaches out, grabbing his ear, giving it a good twist making him to lean over the table. She takes her belt and lets his tail have it.
With every word, she swings the belt at his tail, “How… Dare… You… Disrespect… Me… And… Your… Older… Brother…!” She repeats it 2 more times before letting him go (lucky for him it is fewer words in Spanish). Jorge does not cry, he’s too used to the beatings, and crying would make the beating worse. In the past, Grandma always told the boys, “Men Never Cry! That starts when you boys stop crying, and I aint raising boys! I’m Raising Men!” Thusly Fernando and Jorge don’t cry when faced with the most severe of adversity. If they were to come home beaten up from a fight or with a bad report card, they would not cry.
Rachel makes it to the room, sitting by the bed with the covered plate on the end of the bed. She gives Fernando a kiss on his lips, but waking somebody like that only works on fairy tales. Thus she nudges him gently to wake him up. He protests but wakes up. Rachel gets the cover plate to put on his lap as he sits up on the bed. From the desk, Rachel gets his glasses as he begins to eat with his eyes closed. They speak in this form of non-verbal communications, where things for the moment get done for his needs. She presses her nose against his to make him look up so she can out on his glasses.
He bows his head down and pushed up on the bridge of the glasses up against his nose. “Thank you.”, he tells her. He continues to eat his breakfast.
“You don’t have to thank me. I’m here for you and your needs.”, Rachel tells him.
He puts his fork down and leans over to her.
“I asked this a thousands times before and I’ll ask you again… if you are going to be my little sister, who is going to be there for everything I need, would you want me to be nice to you or would you want me to be mean and ugly?”
“For me it would don’t matter.”, Rachel answers.
“And why not?”, Fernando asks her.
“No matter how bad you could treat me, it would be better than what my mom did to me.”, Rachel asks. A tear begins to roll down her cheek, and he wipes it.
“I sorry.”, he tells her. “I didn’t mean too…”
“No, its OK.”, she interrupts him. “We both know what she put me through and you care about me too much to put me through worse. That is why I willing accept being yours for life. You saved mine and that I owe you.”
“Lets not think about that.”, Fernando says as he picks up his fork. “We got a day to kill.”
Rachel leans over and kisses him on this nose. Fernando sighs for he knows she is doing that deliberately but sometimes the action is done for different meanings like it does now. He continues to eat slowly as she pulls away. After the third bite, he puts down his fork and holds his hands 1/2 way to his face.
“You OK, Fernando?” Rachel asks.
He turns his hands around and back and curls his fingers, bringing them closer to his face. “I think my eye sight is returning.”, he says.
“Can you see?”, Rachel asks.
“Not really, I mean, its like being in a thick fog. By tomorrow morning, the fog should be lifted and I should see again.”, Fernando says as he picks up his fork again. “Unless…”, he turns to face Rachel.
“Unless… what?”, Rachel asks.
“My doctor said that there was dangerous cure that will bring back my eye sight when it gets to this stage.”, Fernando says.
“How dangerous?”, Rachel asks.
“It will hurt like hell but only momentarily. But it can damage my eyes in other ways.”, Fernando explains.
“What needs to be done?”, Rachel asks.
“Take my eye drops from the desk and put it in the freezer.”, Fernando tells her.
“Wont that freeze them into ice?”, Rachel asks.
“Eye drops freeze at 20 below zero. The freezer is not that cold. “, Fernando says.
“Putting ice cold drops in your eyes sounds dangerous.”, Rachel throws at him.
“Then I cant have anymore accidents if my eyes are to return to normal… by tomorrow.”, he tells her. He begins to finish off his meal.
For some reason Rachel feels guilty about the situation. She gets up to walk over to Fernando’s desk where he kept his headache medicine and eye drops. She does not get too far as he reaches out and grabs her tail but does not pull on it. She slowly turns around to see him.
“Don’t. OK?”, Fernando tells her.
“You sure?”, she asks.
“Want me in unbearable pain? I don’t think that you would.”, he tells her.
She steps back to the bed and sits down next to him. With a couple of scrapes of the fork against the plate, Fernando finishes off his meal.
“Done?”, Rachel asks.
“Yeah.”, Fernando says to her.
Rachel takes the plate off his lap. “Go take a shower and get dressed up.”, she tells him.
“Where are we going?”, he asks.
“Don’t know yet.”, Rachel answers. “If we stay at home, we would be dressed if something comes up.”
“Alright.”, Fernando says before he gets up and gathers his things to take to the bathroom.
Rachel takes his plate down and washes and puts it away it for him as he took a shower upstairs. Jorge had already left for the day, making the house that much more quieter. Grandma was gathering her shopping cart and personal items to go shopping again but then she notices Rachel about to walk away from finishing doing the dishes.
“Rachel.”, she calls out to her.
“Yes grandma?”, Rachel answers.
Grandma drops an open letter on the table, “It’s from the school, but I cannot read it because it’s in English. It does look like it has some sort of promotional thing for school uniforms.” She them drops a few of hundred dollar bills on the table on top of the letter. “Find out what it is and if you all need school uniforms, buy them.”
Rachel takes the letter and reads it. “It is about… Grandma?”, Rachel says as she looks around and finds her gone. She puts the letter back into the envelope and puts the money inside with it.
Not knowing what to do with it, she takes it upstairs with her. Fernando was already back in his bed, washed up and smelling clean in just his t-shirt and briefs, but not sleeping. He only had his eyes closed. Rachel sits down on the bed next to him.
“Fernando?”, Rachel asks to see if he was asleep.
“Yes Rachel.”, he answers.
“Grandma gave this letter from the school, something about wearing school uniforms when we start in September. She also gave me $300 to get them.”, Rachel explains.
“So, we’re going out to buy school uniforms?”, Fernando asks as he slowly sits up.
“Yeah, but what about Jorge?”, Rachel asks.
“We’ll give him the money so he can get his tomorrow.”, he explains.
Rachel put the envelope on the end of the bed and then leans over her, her arms to either side if his head. She gives him a kiss on the nose just to get him started. But in all seriousness, she looks at him carefully, checking him over.
“You feeling better?”, she asks.
“Better than yesterday and more than the day before but not one-hundred percent. Maybe seventy-five percent… I’ll take seventy-five percent for now”, Fernando explains. She can only smile for the moment.
“Not up to par for a little yiffing?”, Rachel asks.
“Not for a long while.”, he tells her.
“What if I get Juanita in here for you?”, Rachel asks but jokingly.
“Why?’, Fernando asks in answer.
“She seems to be interested in you all of the sudden.”, Rachel answers. “Maybe her pussy has finally waken up and realizes how much of a good cock you got down there!”
Fernando tries not to laugh, but finds the comment disturbingly funny. “Actually, she’s had a crush on me for a long time and kept it to herself.”
“That’s stupid.”, Rachel blurts out.
“Why do you say that?”, Fernando asks.
“Because, if you want something, go get it!”, Rachel answers.
“Juanita is very shy, and she wants to save herself for the guy she’ll marry. I would be a major temptation in breaking her promise to herself.”, Fernando explains.
“Don’t give me that!”, Rachel tells him. “All girls want to save it for the right guy, but saving it for marriage is a waste!”
“Why you say that?”, Fernando asks.
“Girls need sex as much as boys do. While you boys are jerking off in the bathroom, we on our bed stuffing our fingers into our pussies, both of us wanting the same thing.”, Rachel explains. “Juanita must be stuffing her love hole several times a day to deal with the tension of having a crush and doing nothing about it, and guess what- you’re the one she’s dreaming of stuffing her pussy.”
“Well, I have not jerked off in a long time. Its like I don’t have the urge or stress to go do it anymore.”, Fernando stated. Rachel smiles at him. “OK girl, why you smiling?”
“Well…”, Rachel says but not wanting to say anything.
“Just say it.”, Fernando tells her.
“I’ve been giving you nightly blow jobs in your sleep?”, Rachel tries not to say it. Fernando just stares at her stunned at what she said. For a while they don’t say anything. “I only did it to make you feel better. Its kinda hard to ignore that hard-on you have pressed up against my butt.”
Fernando sighs, and thinks for a long time afterwards.
“Its… its OK.”, Fernando tells her.
“You’re not angry at me?”, Rachel asks.
“As long as you didn’t have sex with me while I slept.”, he says to himself.
“Its not quite the same with you sleeping.’, Rachel says.
“What?!!”, Fernando asks.
“I only did it once… a long time ago… Its not the same, which is why I don’t do it anymore.”, Rachel says to try to save herself.
“But you give me nightly blowjobs.”, Fernando stated.
“I give them to you to make you feel better, but sex is different- I want you to make me feel good as I do you!”, Rachel says. “That day when I did it, it was rather one sided and I felt guilty afterwards.”
Fernando sighs, shaking his head.
“You still love me?”, Rachel asks as innocently as possible.
“Of course I love you, that is not going to change.”, Fernando tells her though not happy with her confession.
“Angry at me?”, Rachel asks.
“I am but it wont last long.”, he tells her.
“Want me to keep giving you nightly blowjobs?”, she asks.
“We have to draw the line somewhere.”, Fernando tells her.
“Where do you want the line drawn?”, Rachel asks.
“That’s up to you. I can’t force you to do anything you don’t want. But you do know right from wrong, and as my little sister I expect you to respect what is right and what is wrong.’, he tells her.
Rachel bows her head as if in defeat, “I understand.”
“Hey…”, Fernando tells her.
“Wha…?”, she asks.
Fernando stretches his neck towards her and kisses her on the nose. Rachel smiles as he puts his head back down.
“It does not have the same effect on me as it does you.”, Rachel says with a little more confidence.
“No? Oh well, too bad. I thought everyone had their start button there.”, Fernando says.
“No. I think that’s a Flying Squirrel thing, or at least a Fernando thing.”, she says before lowering herself and kisses him on the nose. She looks at him after she is done.
“You know its wrong for brother and sister to be intimately active with each other.”, he tells her.
“Its only wrong if one forces the other into doing it. I’m willing if you are but I’m also sorry for what I have done to you.”, she says.
“Don’t be. OK?”, Fernando tells her.
“Why?”, Rachel asks.
“You were only doing what you thought was right to make me feel better. That’s why.”, he explains.
“Do you feel better?”, Rachel asks. “Honestly?”
“I don’t know. These headaches get worse and worse when they come. And Cathy’s getting frustrated that we haven’t done anything in a long time because of these headaches.”, he explains.
“It is because you don’t want too or …”, Rachel begins to ask.
“I don’t feel up to the task with the headaches being in the way. I mean, can you understand that?’, Fernando interrupting her to explain and then ask.
“I think so. But at night you always have a hard-on, which is why I give you those nightly blowjobs.”, Rachel explains.
“I do?”, Fernando asks.
“Yes you do.”, she says. “And you’re all tensed up too. After I give you a blowjob, you’re more relaxed.”
“I don’t know why that happens…”, Fernando begins to say.
“You say you don’t feel like you’re up to the task with those headaches, but can you try? I mean, I noticed you still get a hard-on even with a headache.”, Rachel says, interrupting him.
“Some things are just out of my control.”, Fernando says to himself.
“Yeah, I noticed.”, Rachel says before kissing his nose.
“Hey!”, Fernando protests.
She reaches down to his groin and grabs onto his newly formed hard-on. “See?!!”, she says playfully. “You should have never let me know about that.”
“I told you about that so there would be no accidents.”, Fernando stated in a complaining tone
Rachel smiles at him for a second. She then gets up for a second and takes off her skirt and t-shirt before turning to him. She slowly sits back down on the bed and leans over him like she was before. She snuggles up to him, holding him and caressing him. Fernando has to hold her to have her momentarily stop.
“Something wrong?”, Rachel asks.
“I thought we were going to buy school uniforms today.”, he says.
“We could have a little fun first before we go… if you’re up to it.”, she tells him.
“How far do you want to take it?”, he asks.
“As far as you could put it in me.”, she answers. “And that’s farther than most have with me.”
She notices the silence he was not answering too.
“Not up to it?”, she asks.
“Not really.”, he answers.
“Then let me help…”, she says as she reached down to the bottom of his t-shirt and started pulling it upwards. Though he wants to resist, he doesn’t. He sits up for her to get the t-shirt over his head. Once off her brother, she takes his t-shirt and gently tosses it at the end of the bed where the envelope with the money was. She takes his hands and holds them in hers, thinking that this would be the first time in a long time that they might go all the way. She leans against him, nuzzling up against him almost seeming like she was purring.
He takes his hand and puts it behind her, pushing her closer against him. For a moment she looks up at him. He bends down a little bit to make up for their height difference and kisses her on lips. From a simple lip lock to an open mouth French kiss, the fever of their intimacy grows hotter and hotter. Their hands blindly go to each other’s bodies from soft touching to tainted tickles and groping of various body parts, It would be a matter of under a minute that they would take off their bottom underwear.
As they kept on kissing, Rachel was slowly jerking off his dick as he had his middle finger rubbing tiny circles against her clit. After a moment she started to breath heavy, building up to an orgasm without penetration. This was what she loved about her brother, that he could do his to her without going all the way. But she wanted to go all the way, thus she pushes him away to break their kiss. She looks at him, biting her lower lip and nods. He kisses her on the forehead as if to say yes. Still holding on to his dick, she slowly turning around and bends over towards it. She gives it a kiss at the tip, and then a lick with her tongue before putting it into her mouth. She continues to go up and down on it, sucking it hard at times. He managed to move his hand further up between her legs, still rubbing her wet pussy lips together, making Rachel open her legs wider for him to go further. Soon he was putting his middle finger in her, for a moment upon entry she freezes midway on sucking his shaft but continues when he had put his finger in her as far as it could go.
She pulls away on his hard cock, applying suction pressure on it until her lips separate from it with a loud pop. She falls back on the bed breathing heavy, still holding his dick with one hand. She takes the other hand to put it on top of Fernando hand, the one with the finger inside her pussy. She takes him by the wrist and pulls on it to take the finger out. Eventually the finger comes out covered in her love juices, she takes it to her face and starts to clean the finger with her tongue. Nudging him to get on top of her, she takes his cock and aims it right at her pussy’s entrance. He had to place both hands to either side of her on the bed to regain his balance, while she took her free hand to the small of his back pushing against it to make him go in her.
She tilts her head back as she moans while biting her bottom lip as Fernando’s long hard shaft enters her and slides in until her cervix stops it from going any further. With about three-quarters of his dick in her, he slides out about half of it before sliding it back in, pushing up against the top of her pussy. With each stroke he stretches her a bit more to get all of himself in her, she has definitely tightened up from the lack of sex over the past year since her adoption into the family. But she was enjoying every bit of it, her dream come true of making it with her older brother, which is becoming into a marathon season of non-stop humping. She yells but tries to not to do so loudly when she was coming again, coming harder than she ever did before. Further more much to her surprise she was about to coming one more time, with no possible end to Fernando’s fucking ability as far as she can see. She holds him tightly on the third orgasm, wrapping her legs around his waist. Unfortunately for her, Fernando had just sent her into orbit, with a fourth possible orgasm coming.
For a moment she relaxed between the waves of orgasms, humping back against him as she felt the fourth one building up inside. But this time it was slightly different, he pushed a bit harder and held it in her for a bit longer, but still continuing on the long strokes inside her pussy. Her fourth orgasm came when he pushed up as hard as he could up against her, then all of the sudden his cock erupted into a volcanic lava plume of sperm into her uterus. She could only lay there trembling from the force of both orgasms, his and hers, hitting her at once, making her claw at him to hold him as tightly as possible. After about a minute of filling her insides with his seed, Fernando pulls out of her vagina and falls back on the bed. Rachel crawls up to him like the walking wounded and puts her arms around him, giving him a kiss on his lips.
But his response was not normal. He does not kiss back. He lay there, breathing heavy, taking a pillow to cover his eyes.
“Fernando, you alright?”, Rachel ask.
He does not answer for the moment.
“Fernando…!”, she holds back from yelling.
“What?”, he said in a groggy and tired tone.
“You OK?”, she asks worriedly.
“No…”, he answers in his same groggy tone.
“What’s wrong?”, she asks, getting more worried.
“My headache’s getting worse. It’s getting too much to bear.”, he says, concern seems to be layered upon every word he just said.
“You want me to get you your pills or something?”, she asks, getting scared.
Somehow his arm goes around her and holds her in place.
“No… just be here for now…”, he says to her.
“I won’t leave you.”, she replies.
She lowers herself onto him, putting her arms around him and her head to his chest. She could hear his heart beating almost twice as her was but it was slowing down. Fernando’s breathing becomes easier and relaxed over time. It is hard to tell if he was sleeping, passed out or concentrating on minimizing the pain.
After an hour, Fernando stirs, slowly sitting up, holding his hands at his temples and shaking his head. Rachel kneels up next to him, holding him.
“You got better?”, she asks.
“NO, not really. I just have to fight this.”, Fernando answers her.
“What happened?”, she asks.
“I don’t know. It just hit me hard, like I got hit in the head by a bat.”, he answers.
“If it means anything to you, you were more than wonderful. You were more than amazing. I just cant say how good you were…”, she says before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“So were you.”, he tells her.
“But… you did all the work.”, Rachel tries to say.
“I could not have done it without you.”, he tells her. “What time is it?”, then he asks.
“1:30 PM?”, as Rachel looked at the clock on the nightstand. “How long were we fucking?!!”
“We started around 10o’clock I think. But you’re counting my one hour rest as part of it, you shouldn’t.”, he tries to explain.
“Two and a half hours?!!”, Rachel almost squeals.
“Was it that long?”, Fernando asks.
“It seemed longer. I wish it would have lasted forever.”, Rachel says as she leans against him.
Fernando holds her with one arm, “Not to kill the fun but we got to be going before Grandma returns and Cathy can never know of this.”
“You up to going outside?”, Rachel asks.
“Up to it? No. But I got to do it. Can you get me my glasses from the desk, please.”, he says to her.
Rachel separates from him but continues holding his hands, “Can I ask you a very personal question?”
“After what we just did, I doubt anything we can say will be very personal.”, Fernando answers.
“I’m serious.”, she says.
“Then just say it.”, he replies.
“OK… You know those two foxes, Edna and Edward?”, Rachel asks.
“What about them?”, he answers in a question.
“Would you ever fuck Edna?”, Rachel asks.
“Where did that came from?”, Fernando asks.
“The two of us talked at the pool and she said that she would fuck you if given the opportunity.”, Rachel answers.
“Oh, girl talk.”, Fernando says.
“But would you?”, Rachel asks.
“I would, given the opportunity. But remember that this is guy talk speaking and every guy would fuck any girl if she gave him the opportunity.”, Fernando explains.
“Then, don’t let me know if you do. OK?”, she says.
“Why don’t you want to know?”, he asks.
“She maybe nice and all that, but there is something about her I just don’t like. I can’t explain what it is.”, Rachel explains.
“Afraid that she might try to steal me?”, Fernando asks.
For some reason Rachel nods but does not say a thing.
“Look, you’re my little sister, and that is the one thing she can not take away from either one of us. Even if we didn’t have sex or fooled around, she cannot take you away from me or me from you.”, Fernando explains. Rachel leans against him and tightens her grip on his hand. “I need to take my pills and glasses and we need to take a shower.”
“Together?”, Rachel asks.
Fernando takes too long to answer as Rachel jumps out of the bed and takes out one of their beach towels they had and covers him with it. She pulls on it to urge him on, and eventually he does. Once off the bed, he picks her up and carries her to the bathroom. He puts her down by the shower stall and she takes his wrist to lead him inside. The towel goes over the shower stall wall and the water turns on. They take a little over twelve minutes in to shower, but it would have been longer if they showered separately. In short, if they can get away with it, as they do when the house is empty of everyone else, they would do things together. His mother always disapproved of their relationship, but grandma has the final word in what happens at home.
After a couple of minutes of drying off with the beach towel, they return to their room to finish drying off and getting dressed. Rachel gets the envelope and money and Fernando takes a couple pills from his aspirin jar on his desk, and then takes his glasses and cane. Together they go down stairs, he takes a turn into the kitchen to drink water with his pills. Rachel follows him and waits by the dining area for him. They leave the house together and go down the street.
They go down past the foxes’ light blue house. It takes them a while to find the mall on foot. It was even worse that they found out that the closest public bus to the mall passes by the school and in an opposite direction from their home.
Once at the Pouncefield Shopping Center, they go into the various clothing stores to see what they had, but it would have been easier to see what store the letter said to go. Eventually they found a school supply store, which also sold the school uniforms for the St. Lovejoy School. Rachel got several skirts and tops while Fernando got a few pants, shirts and ties. Their total was less than half than all the money they had. Though several of the neighborhood kids were in the mall hanging out or buying things, they decided to go home. They did not realize that they were being followed.
Half way across the parking lot towards the main avenue, the patter of running feet catches Fernando’s ear. He pushes Rachel with the shopping bags of clothes in between a pair of parked cars as he turns around to face who was running towards them, taking a defensive martial arts stance. They both stop in front of him.
“You still blind?”, Cathy asks. “You can relax, its just Juanita and me.”
Fernando relaxes his stance. “How about calling us first? I thought that crazed Lucy was after me again.”
“You didn’t had to push me!”, Rachel says from between the park cars, getting herself back up from being tossed.
“I’m sorry…”, Fernando tells her as she takes his arm again.
“What brings you here?”, Cathy asks.
“Grandma got this letter from the school and told us to get the school uniform.”, Fernando explains.
“Oh, you too?”, Juanita asks.
“We got ours earlier. But what gets to me is why buy the uniforms now?”, Cathy says.
“Maybe they are on sale now.”, Rachel says.
“Well, what ever reason, we got our uniforms and are going home.”, Fernando says.
“Don’t want to hang out?”, Cathy asks.
“No. I still have my headache, cant see and you might spend more of my money.”, Fernando tells her.
“HMPH! I know when I’m not wanted.”, Cathy says as she starts to go back to the mall.
Juanita goes after her, “Wait for me!”
Rachel and Fernando look at each other. “Lets go home.”, he tells her. Rachel grabs on to his arm as they commenced on their way home. Although he may not have said it, Rachel senses that her brother feels and seems to be better and is happy that she may have something to do about it.
Little was said during their long walk, over a half hour of walking. They managed to get home, finding grandma putting away more food items in the kitchen.
“You’re back home?”, Grandma asks.
“And we got the school uniforms too!”, Rachel says aloud.
“Good. Was there any money left over?”, Grandma says and then asks.
Fernando walks to the dining table and puts the envelope on the table. “Over forty dollars from our things, and one hundred left over for Jorge’s uniforms.”
“You two did great. Now go upstairs and put the uniforms away, school is not for another four weeks or so. Dinner will be ready at about 6o’clock.”, Grandma tells them.
Fernando and Rachel goes upstairs to their room and put away their uniforms in their dresser drawers. He then puts his glasses and cane on the nightstand by the bed before taking off his outer layers of clothing and crawling onto his bed. Rachel sits down next to him.
“You OK?”, she asks.
“I’m OK. Just tired.”, he tells her.
“And your headache?”, she asks.
“Still there, but less than before.”, Fernando answers, adding, “Thanks.”
“Can you see better?”, Rachel asks.
“Its still like being in a fog, but it’s a bit better.”, he tells her.
“Think what we did had something to do with it?”, Rachel asks.
“If you want to think like that then yes.”, he says as he slowly sits up next to her. He leans against her, “But honestly, it’s a slow process, and nothing I could do helps.”
Rachel turns to face him, “Oh.”
He kisses her on the nose, “Thanks.”
“What for?”, she asks.
“For being my little sister and doing those things that you can only do for me.”, he says.
“You mean sex? I would have sex with you any time you want, you say where and when.”, she explains.
“No, Rachel.”, he begins to explain.
“Huh?”, she interjects.
“Its more than the sex. It’s getting my food and water when I can’t get up out of bed. It’s sleeping with me to make sure I’m OK. It’s getting me my glasses, cane and medicine for me. It’s helping me get around since I have not yet learned the area. Its all those things you do as my little sister.”, he explains.
“Its because I love you.”, she begins to say. “And its because I have seen you when you‘re at your best. You saved me when nobody else cared about me. It’s something that I can’t ever repay you, my life is yours.”
“Don’t think like that, or you will owe me forever.”, Fernando says.
“But I do.”, Rachel says.
“Raych…”, he begins, tapping his finger against her breast bone, “if we are to have sex, I want it to come from there. Not because you owe me. You pussy, your body is not something you can use like money. Your feelings – the same thing. You understand what I’m trying to get?”
Rachel bows her head and nods.
“You’re not my little love slave, you’re my loving little sister, and that is something no one can take away from me.”, he continues. She reaches out and holds him tightly. He slowly reaches around her and holds her too.
– End of A Painful Cure –