Written by Elfen Sciuridae
– Super Saturday, The Start of a Long Weekend –
Like the days before, Rachel wakes up first. She stretches and yawns before slowly sitting up. Fernando was still sleeping, sans a morning hard-on. She knew that the pill had something to do with it and knowing that he would be back to some semblance of normal after he wakes up.
The smell of bacon was replaced with something else, ham. Everything else was in order. Rachel slowly gets up out of the bed as to not disturb Fernando. She takes her towel and a fresh change of underwear to the bathroom to take a shower.
Rachel is done showering and drying herself in a few minutes and goes downstairs in her underwear, taking her seat at the dining table. Grandma puts a breakfast plate in front of her. As she expected, there a couple of slices ham instead of bacon. Breakfast was still as good as ever. To believe that before joining the family, she was begging on First or Second Avenue to get enough nickels, dimes and quarters to buy a dollar egg sandwich at Giovanni’s Deli. At times when she did not have enough, Gio would give her a sandwich and maybe a drink if she went behind the counter for him to get a quickie feel of what she had. Though things started to get easier when she met Fernando and he would give what he could to make things easier. Sometimes he would get her money for a whole breakfast sandwich and a soda or juice, other times 1/2 the money he had because he did not have enough. But these days are behind her now, and she’ll do anything not to ever go back to where she came from.
[Translated from Spanish]
“Something bothering you, dear?”, Grandma asks.
Rachel gives her a blank stare, though a tear started to roll down her check for reasons she did not know. Actually her running memories had triggered the leak, but in her mind she could not put the two together.
“Something? No.”, she tries to answer, wiping the tear away.
“Something is bothering you. What is it?”, Grandma inquired further.
“I don’t know what it is.”, Rachel answered.
“Figure out what it is and deal with it. I need you to be a strong girl in order to support my grandson, Fernando.”, Grandma stated.
After a couple of bites from her plate, Rachel asks a question, “Grandma, why did you choose me and adopted me into the family?”
“This family was missing one thing.”, Grandma started to say. “Something has been missing for a long time.”
“What would that be?”, Rachel asks.
“A girl.”, Grandma answers.
“A girl? Why?”, Rachel asks.
“Before your time, Fernando had a little girl in his life. And when they were together, they were happy. But she got sick and died, and I have noticed that he’s gotten sick himself. Though he tried to live a normal life, the happy little squirrel puppy he used to be was gone. He’s had a couple of girl friends but it was not the same as I saw it. Then he joined that lifeguard-training thing at the pool two summers ago and met you. Somehow when he saved you from your attack when he did, brought something back in him. In helping you he was helping himself. I don’t know what you two did, but I didn’t care either. Though he was not as happy as he used to be, at least he was showing something positive, and it was because of you. And finally taking you in, as I did when your mother died, he seems to be as how he used to be. Now I wish those headaches of his would go away. Look, I know you owe him your life and that you would do anything for him, including giving of yourself and your body to him and I don’t mind that. I just don’t want others outside the house to know. I don’t want the community to think that this is a house of perverts, and degenerates because they think you’re his real sister when you’re his adopted sister, and even then, people would think bad about it. What you are giving him, what ever it is, is something special. All I ask is not to stop giving.”, Grandma explains.
“I love him too much to not stop loving him.”, Rachel says to her.
“You are part of this family, and are under my protection. As long as you help take care of Fernando, you have nothing to fear from anyone, not even their mother.”, Grandma explains.
“What about Jorge?”, Rachel asks.
“What about him?”., Grandma asks.
“What if he tries to force himself on me?”,. Rachel asks.
“He knows better than to try.”, Grandma tells her.
“I just don’t like the way he looks at me and says that I’m having sex with Fernando.”, Rachel says.
“Are you, having sex with Fernando?”, Grandma asks.
Rachel does not want to answer.
“I only want the truth.”, Grandma says.
Rachel bows her head down, “I am. But I do it to make him feel better.”
“Does it?”, Grandma asks.
“Huh?”, Rachel says, surprised by Grandma’s response.
“Does it make him feel better?”, Grandma asks.
“I think it does. I mean, he’s more relaxed, stronger and sure of himself afterwards.”, Rachel answers.
“Then, you continue being his loving sister. Jorge can always find some trollop out there to be his girlfriend.”, Grandma tells her. “Now finish up so you can bring something for Fernando to eat and later on I have something to show you in the basement.”
“OK…”, Rachel says as she finishes her breakfast. Grandma gives her a covered plate for Rachel to take up to Fernando. While she goes upstairs to Fernando, Grandma takes her empty plate and cleans it before putting it away.
Once up stairs the routine continues: Rachel sits on the bed next to Fernando, putting the covered plate of food on the end of the bed while she tries to wake him up. He wakes up but not as his usual self. This time he was less complaining and more better in attitude than usual. She takes the cover plate and puts it on his lap as he sat up.
As Fernando begins to eat with his eyes closed, Rachel gathers his glasses from the table. In their nonverbal communications, Rachel puts her nose against his to make him take a second break from eating. She put on his glasses once he faces towards her direction.
“Thanks.”, he says as he pushes the glasses higher up on his nose.
“How’s your eyesight?”, Rachel asks.
He stops eating for a second and turns to face her. He then slowly reaches for out to her and taps her lightly on the nose. For a second she giggles. “If that’s your nose then its fine.”, he tells her.
“Good. Now how’s your headache?”, Rachel asks.
Fernando sits there dumbfounded, because there was no headache. In thinking and searching, because his headache can sometimes hide as numbness behind somewhere, he does not find anything. “I think it’s gone.”, Fernando says in almost quiet disbelief.
“It is?”, Rachel asks.
“I don’t feel it anywhere.”, Fernando says.
Rachel leans over to him and hugs him tight, but he tries to fight her off.
“Do You Mind?!!”, He tells her loudly. “I got a plate of food here and a fork in my hand!”
“I’m just happy for you.”, Rachel tells him.
“Well. Be happy after I eat.”, Fernando says in a mean tone.
The silence from Rachel says more than anything she could say. Fernando swallows his bit of food and turns to face her.
“Look. I’m sorry for yelling at you.”, he tells her.
Though delayed, she answers, “Its OK. I should have been more towards your needs.”
“You shouldn’t be.”, he tells her.
“Why not?”, Rachel asks.
“Never mind.”, Fernando says as he finishes up his breakfast. He then puts down the fork on the plate. Rachel pick up the plate and covers it before taking it downstairs to the kitchen. Grandma takes the covered plate and puts in the sink for now.
“Come.”, Grandma says as she wipes her hands on her apron.
Rachel follows her down the staircase to the basement. Its layout was different than the house above, a hallway with 6 doors to either side, before it opens up to a large area. The floor had a rubber mat that covered most of it. There was a padded mannequin at one corner, and weights at another. At the far wall was a TV with a DVD/VCR unit on it.
“What do you think?”, Grandma asks.
“What is it?”, Rachel asks in return.
“It’s a mini gym. I tried to copy it from the Karate school the boys went too.”, Grandma explains. “You all are to use it, but Fernando should use it more than Jorge.”
“Oh.”, Rachel says.
“By the way, there are 2 separate bathrooms over there with a shower stalls in them so after a hard workout, you kids can wash up, or if Jorge starts hogging the bathroom upstairs, you have a place to go to down here.”, Grandma explains. “By the staircase in the first room is the laundry room. I expect they you all wash for your clothes like you have been doing at the laundry mat. I don’t want to see a mess down here. “
“Yes Grandma.”, Rachel tells her.
“Good.”, Grandma replies. “Jorge had already left, don’t know what that boy is up too. I’ll be going food shopping soon.”
“Can I ask a question, Grandma?”, Rachel asks.
“You can ask anything.”, Grandma answers.
“Why do you go food shopping so much?”, Rachel asks.
“I go so much to make sure that the food is fresh. And I’m also trying to find all the stores around here so I can find the best deals. You’ll understand when you’re older.”, Grandma explains.
“I think I understand.”, Rachel replies.
“Good.”, Grandma says. “You and Fernando do whatever you want- go out, watch tv, test out the gym. I’ll be gone all day, I heard there is a supermarket on the opposite side of town, and I’ll be going there the check it out.”
“OK, grandma.”, Rachel says. She starts to go to the stairs but then turns to one of the rooms and finds the washer and dyer there. Leaving the door open, she runs up the stairs to their room.
Rachel opens up the clothes hamper and starts to take out the bag from inside 1/2 filled with clothes. Fernando looks at her.
“What are you doing?”, Fernando asks.
“The laundry.”, Rachel answers.
“There’s a laundry mat nearby?”, Fernando asks.
“No, silly. Grandma just showed me the basement. We got a new washer and dryer of our own down there.”, Rachel started to explain. “And there are 2 bathrooms with showers and she got us a gym too!”
“A gym?”, Fernando asks.
“Yeah.”, Rachel says.
“Why?”, Fernando says to himself.
Rachel walks back to the bed with the laundry bag. She sits down next to him as she puts the bag down on the floor.
“I think its for you and Jorge to use and stay in shape.”, Rachel says.
“I’m really not interested…”, Fernando says. He looks down at the laundry bag, seeing his things mixed in with hers. “Why is my stuff in there with yours?”, he asks.
“I’m going to wash everything.”, Rachel says.
“Together?”, Fernando asks.
“Why not?”, Rachel asks in answering.
“OK.”, Fernando says.
“What’s the problem?”, Rachel asks.
“Some of our stuff looks the same. I don’t want your stuff mixed in with mine when they get put away.”, Fernando answers.
“Don’t worry about that. Just leave it to me…”, Rachel says.
Fernando sighs.
“Something bothering you?”, Rachel asks.
“Its that you’re my sister. If you spoil me by doing everything for me, what if I get married and she don’t want to spoil me like you did.”, he asks her.
“Then get a divorce and marry me.”, Rachel says.
“I don’t think brothers and sisters are allowed to marry.”, Fernando explains.
“Well, I’ll move in with you and take care of you forever.”, Rachel says.
“Thanks.”, Fernando says.
Rachel leans over and kisses him lightly on the nose.
“Rachel…”, he calls to her.
“Yes?”, she answers.
“About yesterday?”, Fernando started to say.
“What about yesterday?”, Rachel asks for more detail.
“Did anything happen?”, Fernando asks.
“No. Why?’, she asks.
“I don’t remember much of it.”, he explains.
“They gave you some pill that made you sleep all day and all night.”, Rachel adds.
“So… you didn’t…”, Fernando started to say.
“You mean if I gave you a nightly blow job? No. You were passed out cold,”, Rachel tried to answer.
“As far as you know, did the doctor said anything?”, Fernando asks.
“She said a lot of things.”, Rachel begins to say. “But one thing she said is for you to go out and fly more.”
“Oh.”, Fernando says to himself.
“Everything OK?”, Rachel asks.
“I just wanted to know if the doctors found out of we did it.”, Fernando answers, “They got ways of knowing if we did.”
“All I got was 3 shots, 2 on my arm and one on my butt.”, Rachel says to make his mind at ease. “They did not check me over like they did you.”
“Good.”, Fernando says to himself.
“Afraid of anyone knowing?”, Rachel asks.
“Yeah.”, he says.
“Don’t be.”, Rachel says. “What we have, like you tell me, no one can take away from us. And if anyone asks me, I’ll tell them that we are not.”
Fernando raises his head then nods.
“Something wrong?”, she asks.
“I don’t know.”, he tells her.
“Well, let me know when you do.”, she says as she reaches for his groin and gives it a squeeze.
He takes her hand by the wrist, but keeps her hand there. “I wish you wouldn’t do that at times.”, he says.
“Why not?”, Rachel asks. “I think you got a nice dick down there.”
“Its that I get excited when you do that.”, Fernando explains.
“Don’t you think I don’t get excited too?”, Rachel asks.
“Its kinda hard to tell when a girl gets excited.”, Fernando says. “Its not like a dick that you can see get hard and stiff.”
Rachel arches her back a bit, pushing her chest toward him. “Look at my little tittes.”, she tells him while making her t-shirt tight against her with her free hand.
He looks at her chest, “What about them?”, he asks.
“Don’t you see my nipples are pointy?”, she asks.
“I can see that. But a lot of girls nipples are pointy.”, Fernando answers.
“When a girl’s nipples are pointy, she’s excited.”, she tells him.
“But, how? I mean, I see pointy nipples all the time. Especially Cathy.”, he tells her.
“We girls are excited most of the time.”, Rachel tries to explain. “Especially when there is a boy who we like and we can… you know.”
“Oh.”, Fernando says, unsure what to say. Rachel gives him a gentle squeeze down there to try to cheer him up.
“I think you should stop before something happens.”, Fernando tells her.
Rachel kisses him on the nose. “What if I want something started? At least to make up for yesterday?”
“Must you?”, Fernando asks.
“Yes.”, Rachel says with a smile.
“You won’t take me not up to it as an excuse?”, Fernando asks.
“Of course not.”, Rachel tells him as she tugs down at his briefs.
Soon she had his cock out from its cotton-lined prison. Rachel gives one last kiss to his nose before going down to kiss the head of his dick. She then puts him into her mouth, taking him slowly, drawing him in and out of her mouth and gives him a blowjob better than he has had before. Well, at least better because he was as close to one hundred percent as he would ever be in terms of lack of headaches or other pains. Nor was he asleep.
Rachel continues working on his cock, not caring how long it’s going to take but that he would enjoy every minute of it. At the same time she was thinking how good it would feel to have him inside her, but if this was as far as it was going to go then she is not complaining. All of the sudden, Fernando takes her by the shoulders and pushes her off him.
Sitting on the bed, she looks at him confused at what he did.
“Weren’t you liking it?”, she asks.
“Yes, but…”, Fernando started to say.
“But, what?”, Rachel asks, interrupting him.
“We cant keep going on like this.”, Fernando started to say as he pulled up his briefs. “What would grandma say if she caught us?”
Rachel shakes her head for the moment before answering. “Grandma knows that we’re fucking.”, she stated.
“How?”, he asks.
“I told her.”, she answers, hesitating for a moment before continuing. “She confronted me about it this morning..”
Fernando bows his head. “What did she say?”
“She wants me to continue if it makes you happy.”, Rachel answers.
“She did?”, he asks.
Rachel nods her head.
“I need to take a shower.”, Fernando says to himself.
“Yeah, you do.”, Rachel says.
“What do you meant by that?”, Fernando asks.
“You just smell a bit sweatier and taste a little saltier than normal.”, Rachel answers.
“You were the one…”, Fernando started to say as he slowly sat up on the edge of the bed.
“I know. And I don’t mind, you taste good either way.”, Rachel commented.
Fernando slowly stands up and walks over to get his towel and a change of underwear. Rachel jumps off the bed after him, holding him from behind. She puts on arm across his chest as she rests her head against his shoulder, while reaching down with her other hand and cupping his groin. All he could do is just stand in place for the moment.
“What are you doing?”, Fernando asks.
“Cant I show you how much I love you?”, Rachel asks.
“Can I ask a stupid question?”, Fernando asks.
“You can ask me anything, I don’t think what you say is stupid.”, Rachel answers.
“I don’t know how to say it.’, Fernando says to himself.
“Then just say it.”, Rachel replies.
“Uhm… Are you horny all the time or just when the house gets empty… I mean… I did not mean it to sound that way.”, Fernando tries to say.
Rachel lets go of his balls, and turns him around with her other arm. She reaches up and puts her arms around his neck, pulling him down slightly until their forehead touch. “Horny? All the time and only just for you. I will always be here for you, even if you go have a hot make out session with your girlfriend Cathy or Juanita and she drops you cold leaving you hot, bothered and frustrated. I love you, and I would give any part of me to you to make you happy. As far as I am concern, we can kiss, make out, suck, fuck; you name it, anytime, anywhere because that is how much I love you.”
“Don’t it bother you that you’re my sister?”, Fernando asks.
“I’m only your sister on paper. But to be honest about it, it seems Grandma signed those adoption papers to give me to you. I think that is how she would have wanted it, and I will forever be your loving little sister for it.”, Rachel explains before tiptoeing to inch up to him and kisses him on the nose. She smiles as she lowers down.
“I wish you wouldn’t do that all the time.”, Fernando complies but trying to hold back a smile from what she said.
“Why?”, Rachel asks. “Don’t like having a hard on all the time? Personally, I would.”, she continues before reaching down to the bottom of her t-shirt, taking it off. “If you don’t mind, I would like to show you how much I love you.”, as she takes his hand and leads him to the bed again.
Rachel sits down on the bed, with her legs open, leading Fernando to stand in between her knees. She pulls down his briefs down to his knees and continues where she left off. After a while Fernando pushes her off gently. Rachel looks at him unsure of why he stopped her. With a kiss to her forehead, he reaches down to her waist and started to pull down her panties. With a slight lift of her butt off the bed, Fernando finishes taking off her panties, and then finishes taking off his briefs, gently tossing both to the end of the bed.
Rachel slides up on the bed until she rests her head on the pillow, her legs raised up at the knees but feet on the bed separated. Fernando follows her, taking her knees and pulling them apart. She puts her arms around his neck and pulls him close to her. Putting his hands above her shoulders to keep his balance, Rachel reaches down and takes his dick and puts it against her pussy, putting her leg behind his lower back, pushing him lower into her and entering her vagina.
She holds him tightly putting her head besides his, moaning in his ear as he slides his dick as far it can go in her until it stops against the roof of her pussy. He pulls back out about a third and slides it back in, putting a bit more pressure when he stops against her. He continues again and again, increasing speed and pressure with time.
Rachel’s eyes pop open as she starts to pant heavily, not expecting to have cum so soon. “Oh My God…”, she begins to say, trying not to yell it out, as she reaches orgasm within five minutes of their lovemaking. Fernando straightens out his arms to momentarily separate and look at her. She looks at him back with half sleepy eyes, panting, “Please… don’t… stop…”
She pulls he back him back down, humping back against him. Once she draws him close enough to her, she kisses his nose and back down to his lips. Rachel keeps kissing him, taking it to a wet French kiss in a matter of moments as they continue fucking with increasing fervor and ferocity. Maybe it was her day, but soon after her first orgasm, she was beginning to reach her second, third then fourth. In their 20 minutes of sexual entanglement, he cums at the same time she does on her fifth time, filling her up inside with his hot sperm.
Though still inside her, he lifts himself off her to arm’s length. Rachel breathes heavily as she looks at him with her eyes wide open, biting on her lower lip. She still has her arms around his neck though now she’s just holding on with her fingertips.
“My God, you keep this up, and I’m going to have to steal you from any potential girlfriend.”, she tells him.
“What if you tire of this?”, Fernando asks.
“I will never tired of what you do to me.”, Rachel tells him.
Fernando slowly gets up and pulls out his dick from inside his little sister’s pussy. Rachel almost immediately sits up as he kneels in front of her. She reaches out to take his semi limp dick into her hand and leans over to him, licking it.
“You still want to continue?”, Fernando asks, almost nervously.
Rachel pulls back and looks at her older brother, “No, silly. I’m just licking you clean down there. My pussy juices tastes much better when it’s on your dick. Even more better with its mixed with your cum.” She goes back to licking and sucking his dick. After a couple of minutes, she had cleaned every inch of him.
She then gets on her knees and leans against her older brother, kissing on him in the cheek. “How about that shower?”, Rachel asks.
“Yeah…”, he says.
He slowly gets off the bed and starts to walk to get his towel, Rachel reaches out and grabs his tail. He stops before the tension on his tail would increase. He turns to face her. “Yes, Rachel?”, he asks her.
“I just want to know, was I good for you as you good for me?”, she asks.
Fernando takes a couple of steps back and sits on the bed again, turning to face her. He places his hand her chin and leans closer to her. “You were.”, he tells her. Rachel bows her head slightly and smiles. “Why do you have to ask?”, he asks.
“I just want to make sure that I am making you happy.”, Rachel tells him.
“You make me more than happy sometimes.”, he tells her. “I’m sorry that I don’t show it at times.”
“It’s OK.”, she replies.
“Lets go take that shower.”, he says as he gets up again, but once again Rachel pulls on his tail gently. “Yes, Rachel?”
“Its not usual for me to cum so often like I did…”, Rachel started to say.
“If I remember you came three times the last time.”, Fernando stated, interrupting her.
“I know… why are you so special?”, she asks.
“Maybe because I’m your loving brother.”, he answers.
“No. it’s more than that.”, Rachel throws at him.
“Explain.”, Fernando says.
“Please don’t think I’m a slut or something…”, Rachel almost pleads.
“Why should I think that?”, Fernando asks.
“Its my stupid mother and those men she slept with.”, Rachel began. “She put into my head after my first rape that I am to enjoy it the next and every time I may get raped again… that would be 4 more times, before you save me from number 6. But in those other times, even in the first one- as much as I did not wanted too, I came. I mean, I fought them to stop it but my body made a lair out of me.”, as tears started to roll down her cheeks.
Fernando leans over to her and holds her. “Look, you’re not a slut if you are raped and enjoyed it. I don’t know why you would, maybe it’s to protect yourself from getting injured if you fought back, but that does not make you a slut. I do know that if I was evil enough to rape some poor girl that she better enjoy it or I’m going to hurt her more. So if you enjoyed it, for whatever reason, it saved you from a worse outcome. You understand what I’m saying?”, he tries to explain and then asks as he separates from her for a moment.
Rachel bows her head and nods.
“I thought we were all beyond all this, but I see things are returning to haunt us for some reason.”, he almost says to himself.
“Maybe we’re not grown up enough to deal with those things?”, Rachel asks.
“I don’t think so. Years talking to those doctors about Rosita’s death tells me that we can deal with those things when we want too and if we do because we have too, then we fall into a situation of losing it all over nothing.”, Fernando says to her. “You old enough to deal with having sex?”
Rachel nods, “Yes, …with you.”
“You old enough to deal with me having sex and anything bad that might turn out from it?”, Fernando asks.
“Bad? Like what?”, Rachel asks.
“Getting pregnant?”, he asks.
“I cant get pregnant.”, Rachel asks.
“Why not?”, Fernando asks.
“I have been taking a pill to make sure I don’t in case I got raped again. So…”, Rachel started to explain.
“How long have you been taking these pills?”, Fernando asks.
“Before I met you. Right after my third rape.”, Rachel explains.
There was silence for a moment.
“Grandma knows about it.”, Rachel explains further.
“Look. Nothing’s changed between us. You’re my loving little sister and I’m glad to have you.”, Fernando tells her.
“And I’m glad to have you as my loving older brother.”, Rachel replies.
“How about the shower?”, Fernando asks as he slowly got up out of the bed to get his things.
“Together?”, Rachel asks.
“If nobody is in the house.”, he says.
“Jorge left early this morning and Grandma’s out food shopping…Damn!”, Rachel started to say.
“What?”, Fernando asks.
“Grandma wants me to take you to the basement. She set up a gym for us downstairs, and a laundry room to wash our clothes in.”, she explains.
“OK, you can go show me after the shower.”, he replies.
Fernando takes his towel and things then starts to head to the bathroom for his shower. After a second, Rachel grabs her towel and underwear before running in after him. Despite the water running for shower, Rachel opens the shower door stall, and gets inside with him.
Less than 15 minutes of sharing a bar of soap and lathering up each other’s furs with it and rinsing it off a few times, they come out of the shower to dry off together. They dry off ans put on their underwear before leaving the room. Rachel take the wet towels and puts them into the laundry bag. Fernando goes back to bed, lying on his side facing the wall.
“You’re not coming down with me?”, Rachel asks.
“I think I’ll just rest.”, Fernando asks.
“You don’t want to help me carry this big heavy bag?”, Rachel asks.
“You’re a big girl, you can do it.”, Fernando tells her
Rachel crawls into bed with him and whispers in his ear, “You kinda wore me out.”
“Huh?”, Fernando asks.
Rachel jumps to the other side between the wall and Fernando. She lays on her side to face him. “I said you kinda wore me out.’
“You cant be tired.”, Fernando says.
“I’m not tired, just sore and weak. You know, around the legs.”, Rachel keeps trying to get him downstairs.
“You’re aint serious… Are you?”, Fernando semi ask her.
“It’s a girl thing you know.”, Rachel answers.
“And you’re saying its my fault?”, Fernando asks.
“I was not there making love to myself.”, Rachel says with a smile. She then kisses his nose. “Would you, could you, help me take the laundry bag down to the basement?”
“Oh, alright.”, Fernando answers.
Rachel leans over and kisses Fernando on the nose one more time, “Thanks.”
“I just wish you would stop that at times.”, Fernando says.
“Why? I think its kinda cute, kiss your nosie and your dickie gets big and hard.”, Rachel says teasing.
Fernando slowly turns to face the room and sit up. Rachel was behind him, getting up to sit. She takes a hold on him and leans her head against his back.
“You OK?”, Fernando asks.
“Cant a girl love her big brother?”, Rachel asks.
“No, but when its you and I, we may end up needing to take another shower.”, Fernando answers.
“I don’t mind taking a shower with you.”, Rachel says. “I kinda love it.”
“I bet you do…”, Fernando says to himself.
“What about you?”, Rachel asks. “I’m trying to make you happy but you don’t say anything.”
Fernando sighs.
“You don’t like it when I try to make you happy?”, Rachel asks.
“Its not that.”, Fernando begins to say. “Don’t get me wrong. I love the things you do, and the things we end up doing together. It just I want peace and quiet at times.”
“I understand.”, Rachel says.
“Well, lets get this laundry going. It wont get done by itself.”, he says as he lens over and takes the bag in his hand. Rachel lets him go as he gets up, and follows him downstairs. With the door open, it was easy to find the laundry room. Rachel takes it from there and starts loading the machines. Fernando steps out into the basement hallway, opening the other rooms. He found the showers in the last rooms, but the other 3 were empty. At the end of the hall, the space opens up into the gym that Rachel told him about.
“You like?”, Rachel says behind him as she holds onto his waist.
“I don’t know yet.”, Fernando says.
“We got a TV and DVD/VCR. This can be a great party room for our friends here. And you can teach me that Karate stuff too.”, Rachel says as she held and leaned against him.
“You actually want to learn karate?”, Fernando asks.
“You and Jorge learned it.”, Rachel stated.
“Actually Jorge learned Judo, and Go Ju Ryu and I learned Jujitsu, Kung Fu and Chinese Boxing- Gung Fu. We never learned Karate, and every so-called Karate Kid we ever ran up against, we beat the crap out of them.”, Fernando explains.
“I still want to learn.”, Rachel pleads.
“I’ll see what I can do.”, Fernando says.
“Wheeeeeee!”, as Rachel runs into the room, running around in a circle once inside before plopping herself down to the middle of the room. She just lays there with her arms out, staring at the ceiling. Fernando quietly walks in, looking about the place before sitting down next to her.
“You OK?”, Fernando asks.
“I’m always OK when you’re around.”, Rachel says as she slowly got up and sat next to him. Then she kisses him on the nose.
“Don’t do that.”, Fernando says as he bows down his head, “Or we are going to need another shower.”
“I just did that cause you’re the best brother a little sister can ever have.”, Rachel tells him. “I know what it does to you, but at least half the time it is not meant for that to happen.”
“Yes, but it happens every time you do it.”, Fernando complains.
“I know.”, Rachel tells him.
After a while of just staring into each other’s eyes, Fernando asks a question, “What are we going to do for the day?”
“I don’t know. We could stay down here and I make you happy.”, Rachel answers.
“I would not know about that…”, Fernando says.
“Why not?”, Rachel asks.
“We could end up fucking again.”, Fernando says.
“So? I would not mind.”, she says with a smile.
“Didn’t you say that you were sore and worn out from earlier this morning?”, Fernando asks.
“Oh, that. I lied to get you down here.”, Rachel answers, adding, “I’m Sowwie…”
Fernando could only shake his head for the moment. Before he could look back at her, there was a knock on the upstairs door. “I’ll get it!”, Rachel says as she got up and ran upstairs.
“Rachel- wait…”, Fernando started to say but she was already half way up the stairs. “…we’re both in just our underwear…” he trails down to a silent tone. He follows her upstairs but stays out of sight in the stairwell in case something happens.
Rachel opens the door, finding Juanita and Cathy on the entranceway of the house. They had their swim bags with them, and in Cathy’s case, her black bikini top can be seen through her white t-shirt. Juanita’s white bikini top made the rest of the t-shirt brighter where it was as her black fur made the rest of it seem darker. As Rachel lets them in, Fernando runs down the stairs to the basement. He makes to where he was as he could hear Rachel bring the girls down to the basement.
He turns to face them as Cathy speaks her mind, “So this is where you two do it.”
“I don’t know Cathy. You always had an open invitation to my dick but you never show up. At least Juanita dropped by once.”, he says to them. Under her black fur, Juanita was blushing beet red.
“Very funny.”, Cathy stated as she sat down next to him. Juanita too the opposite side from her and Rachel sat in front of him.
“So, what’s up? Why you got your swimming stuff with you?”, Fernando asks.
“Don’t know. Maybe we want to go swimming and want to see if you two are willing to join us.”, as she looks at Fernando and Rachel, seeing that they were in their underwear. “Interested?”, she asks.
“I don’t know.”, Fernando says. “Lucy might be there, and that woman life guard who was protecting her.”
“Protecting her?”, Juanita asks.
“Yeah. She told me that she will do anything in order for Lucy not to get arrested for assaulting a blind kid.”, Fernando stated.
“I say you fuck her.”, Cathy says.
“Cathy!”, Juanita yells out.
“If she is so willing to keep Lucy out of Juvie-jail, if I was him I’d tell her to give up some ass.”, Cathy says.
“Ewww…”, Fernando says to himself.
“But wait. What proof is there? It’s his word against theirs!”, Juanita stated. It was followed by a slap to the back of her head by Cathy.
“We were there to see it, stupid.”, Cathy tells her in a mean tone.
“Besides, the x-rays and things show Fernando was hurt.”, Rachel stated.
Cathy and Juanita look at Rachel, “What x-rays?”, they say together.
“The x-ray they took yesterday when we were at the hospital.”, Rachel continues.
“Rachel…”, Fernando says to her.
Cathy looks at him, “You were in the hospital yesterday and did not tell me?”
“It was for our shots before school.”, Rachel says.
“Then why did he need x-rays?”, Cathy asks.
“Because I have a preexisting condition which has to be monitored- you know, my headaches.”, Fernando tells her.
“Oh.”, Cathy says. “So… these x-rays, they found nothing inside?”
“No, they found nothing…Cute, Cathy, really cute…”, Fernando tells her.
“I just wanted to know if you’re a brainless idiot, that all.”, Cathy says with a smile.
“They found injuries in his face where Lucy had hit him…”, Rachel started to say.
“That’s enough, Rachel.”, Fernando tells her sternly.
“No! They questioned all of us if we beat and abuse you because of it. And I had to tell them that you had a fight with Lucy at the pool.”, Rachel tells him. Fernando shakes his head at what he hears.
“Its nothing to worry about, Fernando.”, Cathy tells him. “I am more concern about your headaches and what’s causing them.”
“They’re not sure, and at this point, I don’t care.”, Fernando replies to her comment.
“Stress.”, Rachel says.
“Huh?”, Cathy and Juanita turn to her. “Explain yourself on that one”, Cathy adds.
“There are a big argument with Mother, but the doctor say that stress is a major reason for his headaches.”, Rachel says.
“So… Reduce the stress, reduce the headaches?”, Juanita asks.
“Its more like, reduce the stress to keep the headaches from coming.”, Rachel answers. “And right now he’s headache free.”
“And stressed out worse than a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs.”, Cathy notes.
“So how do we reduce the stress?”, Juanita asks. Both Rachel and Cathy look at her as if she was dumb. “What?”, Juanita asks looking back at them.
“I think you been a virgin for too long.”, Cathy tells her.
“What is that supposed to mean?”, Juanita asks.
“If you don’t know by now, then you need to find out for yourself..”, Cathy tells her. Then she turns to Fernando, getting on her knees facing him,. She starts taking off her t-shirt, “Now, as for you, you need then stress level down, then down they must go.”
With her shirt off, She grabs Fernando by the back of his neck and pulls him towards her, planting her lips on his. For him, though he does not mind a little rough play, Cathy, like now, plays a bit too rough. After a half of minute, she lets go of him and pushes him to the floor mat.
“What am I going to do with you?”, Cathy asks.
“Why do you have to be so rough about it?”, Fernando asks in return.
“Its been since your birthday that we hadn’t done anything.”, Cathy complains.
“Well, I’m sorry if my headaches get in the way.”, Fernando tells her.
“If you treated him nicely, maybe you two can fuck like we do.”, Rachel stated, realizing what she said, her hands goes to her mouth to cover it.
Both Juanita and Cathy turn to look at her. “You mind repeating what you just said, little squirrel girl?”, Cathy asks in a mean and demanding tone.
“I just say that you should be nice to him. That’s all.”, Rachel says trying to cover up.
“I could have sworn I heard, ‘If you treated him nicely, maybe you two can fuck like we do.’ You heard it, right Juanita?” Cathy says ad then asks.
Juanita nods, wanting to remain quiet about the subject.
“Well, it just came out. I meant to say that if you were nice to him maybe you two can have sex like I want too.”, Rachel rephrases herself.
“You want to have sex with your brother?”, Cathy asks.
“I’m only his sister on paper. Otherwise we are not truly related.”, Rachel says defiantly.
“You’re still his little sister.”, Cathy adds.
“So. A lot of little sisters out there dream of doing it with their big brothers. Why should I be an exception?”, Rachel argues back.
“Well, you got Jorge too you know.”, Cathy reminds her. Rachel goes into a hacking and cough fit at just the idea of her and Jorge doing it.
“Hell No!”, after Rachel stops coughing and catching her breathe. “He is a sick squirrel puppy!”
“Oh come on. Fernando or Jorge, their both boys, they both got hard cocks to stuff your pussy with.”, Cathy stated to say.
“Then why don’t you go after Jorge!”, Rachel throws at her.
The sight of Cathy turning green rivaled that of Rachel hacking up her lungs at the mere thought of the idea. Then Cathy grabs Rachel by the wrist as she got up, “Let go girl, you and I got a lot of talking to do.” Cathy drags Rachel to the stairs and takes her upstairs or the moment, leaving Juanita and Fernando alone.
Juanita leans over him and looks him over as he stared at eh ceiling. “You OK?”, she asks.
“Could be better if Cathy was not on the attack mode all the time.”, he answers, adding, “You wearing your white bikini?”
“Always.”, Juanita says. “Want to see?” She then begins to take off her top, immediately followed by her dark blue shorts, then kneels beside him showing off what she got.
“It looks better on you than it does on her.”, Fernando says almost to himself.
“What looks good?”, Juanita asks.
“The color contrast- white on black for you, and black on white for her.”, Fernando explains.
“Oh.”, Juanita replies. She then sits down next to him, drawing her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them. “Can I ask you a question?”
‘You can ask anything.”, Fernando answers.
‘What does Cathy meant by I been a virgin too long if I don’t know how to reduce your stress level?”, Juanita tries to say it all in one breathe and somehow succeeds.
“Oh, that.”, Fernando says to himself.
‘You mind telling me?”, Juanita asks.
“Sex.”, Fernando says it in one word.
“Sex?”, Juanita asks.
“Yes, Sex. It reduces stress in both males and females alike, and for me, it’s supposed to keep the headaches at bay.”, Fernando explains.
“And you were there when the doctor told you that?”, She asks.
“No. Well, maybe, I don’t know.”, Fernando started to fumble for words.
“Why not? I mean, what happened?”, Juanita asks.
“They gave me this red pill for some tests, and that red pill put me to sleep for most of yesterday and all of last night.”, Fernando says.
“Oh you poor thing.”, Juanita says.
“But Rachel was there, with Jorge, Grandma and Mother as the doctor explained it to them.”, Fernando adds.
There was silence for a while between them.
“So sex is supposed to keep your headaches away.”, Juanita says to herself.
“Yeah.”, Fernando says.
“I was talking to myself.”, Juanita tells him softly. “That is a pretty high price to pay.”
“Is it worth it?”, Fernando asks.
“Is me having sex with you to keep your headaches away worth it, is that what you are trying to say?”, Juanita asks.
“That’s up to you.”, Fernando tells her. “I’m not forcing nobody into making decisions that they may later regret.”
“It has to be sex? I mean, what if I gave you a blow job like the last time.”, Juanita asks.
“I guess that could help. But you would not do that.”, Fernando says to answer her then trails to a quieter tone of denial.
She unballs her self, putting an arm down next to him to support herself as she leans over him. “I’ll do what I have to do to make you feel better. If I have to give you a blowjob, then I will give you a blowjob. But if I have to have sex with you, well, I was planning to save myself for the guy I marry, but if the doctors says that the total quality of your life depends on it, then I’ll give it to you.”, Juanita explains.
“You don’t have to do that.”, Fernando tells her.
“I’m your friend. Don’t that count for something?”, Juanita asks
“It don’t mean that you should be having sex with me just to make me feel better- God, I swear! I’m beginning to sound like that football jock telling his cheerleader girlfriend that she should give it up so he can play better in the championship game on that movie, Fast Times At Ridgemont High!”, Fernando says.
“But for you, its having good days without headaches versus bad days with headaches.”, Juanita started to say. “And I seen you with your headaches. That last big one had me scared when you nose started to bleed for no reason! But if I can stop that, I would do that favor for you.”
Fernando closes his eyes behind his glasses and shakes his head ever so slightly. Juanita puts her paw to his chest and slowly slides it down to his briefs. Feeling his dick behind his underwear, she gives it a slight squeeze. She gives him a slight smile.
“Juanita, don’t you dare.”, Fernando tells her.
“Dare what? If the doctors say it makes you feel better, who am I to argue.”, Juanita stated.
“It’s not like my life depends on it. I’m not in a plastic bubble.”, Fernando tries to argue.
“Lets not argue, OK? I have seen what you did back in the city, saving people from the pool even though you were just a trainee. Its sad to see you doing your best to help others in need and then to see you curled up in a ball from the pain. If I can do anything to stop what’s causing you pain, I’d do it.”, Juanita tells him.
“Then you might as well take off that bikini bottom off right now and let me have that pussy of yours.”, Fernando tells her in trying to scare her away.
Instead Juanita thinks about it for a while, a really long while. She takes her free hand and starts pulling down her bikini bottom with it. She gets it down to her knees, telling Fernando, “It better be worth it for you.”
Fernando pushes her off and gets seated up. “What are you doing?”, He holds back from yelling at her.
“Yeah, what are you doing?”, Cathy says as she returns with Rachel in tow.
Juanita almost jumps up as she turns about to them, picking up her bikini bottom as fast as she could. “Nothing! Nothing at all.”, she says as fast as she could.
“Before I ask why I had to see your naked tail, why are you out of your t-shirt and shorts?”, Cathy asks in an annoyed toned.
“Because its hot?”, Juanita says in question, trying to look innocent.
“Not convincing, are you…”, Cathy says. “I swear. Just like this one- maybe I should let two you have your way with him.”
“Well, if his doctor says that we should help him lower his stress, then we should do what we can to help him.”, Juanita says.
“I don’t need my stress levels reduced!”, Fernando says out loud.
“Oh shut up!”, Juanita almost yells, “You don’t know what you want!”
“I should have stayed in my room.”, Fernando says to himself.
“And then you would have three girls squirrels in your room with you.”, Cathy almost mocks him.
“That’s it, I’m going to sleep.”, Fernando says to himself.
He gets up and steps over Juanita to go past her, then walks right up Cathy who was blocking the hallway path to the stairs.
“Now where are you going?”, Cathy asks sternly.
“To bed.”, Fernando tells her.
“Oh. I thought you were only joking when you said that.”, Cathy stated.
Fernando grabs the wrist of the hand she was holding Rachel by the wrist with, making her let go of Rachel. “And you’re coming with me. Rachel, I do not wish to be disturbed while I have a private talk with Catherine.” , he says as he hauls her up the stairs.
“Catherine is it now?”, Cathy complains as Fernando almost drags her up the stairs. In less then a minute Fernando has Cathy in his room, standing by the bed. He stands in front of her with his arms crossed.
“Now Ms Township, it is just you and I alone. What gives?”, Fernando holds back from shouting.
“You’re the one with the problems. You’re the one with the headaches. Don’t you think I care about you? Don’t you think I’m scared of losing you to them or another girl?”, Cathy tells him.
“You are not going to lose me to no one. Even if I have more than one girlfriend, I’m counting you as my Alpha.”, Fernando tells her.
“Are you and your sister screwing?”, Cathy asks.
“That’s not for me to say. What did she tell you?”, Fernando says and then asks.
“I am not at liberty to say until you verify what she told me.”, Cathy answers.
Fernando stands there looking at her in the eye. “Alright, we did.”
It was not what Rachel had told her as she denied the whole thing. Cathy raises her arm to slap him in the face, but he catches her hand before she hits. She tries with the other hand and it gets caught as well. She tries to fight back, but they wrestle for control until they fall on to the bed, him on top of her. He manages to pin her down on the bed.
“Will you just listen?!!”, Fernando tells her.
“NO! How Can I Trust You?!!”, Cathy yells at him.
“You cant. OK?”, Fernando tells her. “But just listen… Rachel’s been trying to make me happy for what ever her reasons maybe, and things went a bit too far between us. I admit that!”
“Get Off Me!”, Cathy says.
Fernando looks at her for a moment before letting her go. He sits on the bed next to her.
She checks herself for a moment before sitting up next to him. “Why would you do that?”, she asks.
“It just happened. And the thing is, she finds no problem with it.”, Fernando says.
“But that is your sister.”, Cathy says.
“Adopted sister, as she would say.”, Fernando follows.
“She’s your sister regardless.”, Cathy tries to reinforce the point.
“I know.”, he says.
Neither one has anything to say for a while. Then Cathy breaks the silence.
“Is she doing this to make you happen because you might be terminally ill?”, Cathy asks.
“Terminally Ill?”, Fernando asks.
“Very sick to the point of near death.”, Cathy explains.
“I know what Terminally Ill means.”, Fernando responds. “Look, all I know is that I get these headaches, bad ones as you know. And Rachel tells me that the doctor told her and the family these things but not me. That I don’t understand. Why tell them and not me?”
“Maybe you are terminally ill and no one wants to hurt your feelings.”, Cathy says. “Putting it into that light, Rachel would be right in having sex with her older brother in trying to make him happy in his last days.”
“I feel fine, though.”, Fernando tells her.
“You sure about that?”, Cathy asks.
“Yes.”, Fernando tells her.
“Then prove it.”, she tells him.
“How?”, he asks.
Cathy gets up and takes off her t-shirt and shorts, before returning to bed with Fernando and starts taking off his t-shirt.
“Look- if you’re able to do me without getting a headache…”, Cathy started to say as the t-shirt goes over his head.
“Look Cathy- what if I do or don’t get a headache? That does not mean that I am or am not terminally ill. Then again, terminally ill with what?”, Fernando asks to try to find answers, sitting there with his arms crossed.
“You don’t have high blood pressure?”, Cathy asks.
“No I don’t.”, Fernando answers. “Why?”
“Your symptoms as far as I can tell can only explain one thing.”, Cathy explains.
“What?”, Fernando asks.
“You got an aneurysm-bomb ticking away inside your head just waiting to explode and take you with it.”, Cathy says.
“That cant be it.”, Fernando says almost to himself.
“Then explain why your stress level must be lowered?”, Cathy asks.
“I don’t know. I was not there, I mean I was there but I was put to sleep by some pill, and I just woke up this morning from it.”, Fernando tries to say.
Cathy sighs for a second before grabbing him by the side of his head and holds him as she leans forward to kiss him. From kissing they go to the next level of touching, groping and licking. Cathy gives Fernando a slight shove to momentarily separate from him, taking off her bikini top immediately followed by her bikini bottom. She pounces back on him, continuing from where they left off.
Cathy tends to work faster than most girls Fernando had been with. Within seconds he groped on her breast, she pushed his hand away and went for his cock, and started sucking on his dick as so soon as she had pulled it out from his briefs. She sucked him off mercilessly as if she was a starving tigress who had not had a successful hunt in weeks before catching this little helpless squirrel. Fernando was enjoying what she was doing until…
“OW!”, he yelled as he pushed her off.
“What’s wrong?”, Cathy asks as she wiped a bit of drool from the side of her lip.
“You bit me!”, Fernando says loudly as he examined his dick.
“I did not.”, Cathy tells him.
“Then what do you call this?”, Fernando points to a bright red spot at the back of the head of his shaft.
Cathy looks at it for a while, in her mind she knew she did not bit him, at least not intentionally. Then she realizes hat could have caused it, as she puts her finger into mouth and removes a piece of dental apparatus.
“My retainer…?”, Cathy says as she looks at it for a moment. Then she sees a couple of hooks that holds it in place against her rear molars, thinking that may have caused it. “Oh! I’m sorry, I did not know!”, she then apologizes.
“When did you started wearing that thing?”, Fernando asks her.
“Shortly after your birthday. The day after our last date to be precise.”, Cathy answers. She looks at it for a moment one more time before putting it back into her mouth. She then leans over to him. “Wanna continue where we left off?”, she coyly asks him.
“Not with that thing in your mouth.”, as he held his dick tightly. “I swear- I think you just scared me out of having sex with anyone right now!”
“It was an accident, I didn’t know my retainer had that hook that would have hurt you.”, Cathy almost pleaded.
Fernando just sighs for the moment as he puts himself back into his briefs. He goes for his t-shirt, putting it on and crawls under the covers of his blankets, taking to his pillow, curled up into a ball.
“Fernando…”, Cathy calls to him.
“Just go away.”, Fernando tells her.
A long moment of silence passes.
Cathy starts to gather her things together. She calls to get his attention one more time as she balls her things together within her hands. He does not answer though she waits for a few seconds for him to do so. Gather her bag, Cathy slowly gets out of the bed and walks to the door. “I’m sorry…”, she says before leaving the room and begins to cry as she leaves. She did not notice Rachel and Juanita sitting by the door pretending to be doing nothing. For a moment they look at each other before breaking off: Rachel after Cathy and Juanita into the room with Fernando.
It took Juanita a few seconds to find Fernando under his blanket in bed. She runs to the bed and sits next to him, shaking him, trying to make him wake up if he was asleep.
“Fernando, Wake up!”, Juanita almost yells at him.
Fernando sits up, almost shoving Juanita off the bed. “What Is It?!!”, he yells at her.
“What happened?”, she asks. “Cathy ran out your room naked and crying!”
“So? She’s lucky I did not clock her one for what she did!”, Fernando tells her in anger.
“What did she do?”, Juanita asks.
“SHE Almost Bit My Dick Off!!!”, he yells at her.
Juanita rears back from his loudness. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it…”, she says trying to say the right words.
“Yeah right.”, Fernando says to himself.
“Explain to me what exactly happened?”, Juanita asks.
“What is there to explain? She was sucking my dick when something in her mouth almost cut my dick off!”, Fernando explains to her. “That something was her retainer, she could have taken it off before going down on me!”
Juanita sits there staring at him in disbelief. After she returns to reality, she tells him, “I’m sure she did not mean to hurt you.”
“Then why did she put the retainer back in her mouth and wanted to continue? Wanted to finish the job of biting my dick off?”, Fernando yells at her without yelling.
“I don’t know.”, Juanita could only say. Then she continues, “Can I see it?”
“See what?”, Fernando asks in an annoyed tone.
“Your dick, what else? To see where she hurt you.”, Juanita continues.
“No.”, Fernando tells her.
“But…”, Juanita stared to say.
“But nothing. Its my dick, and Right now it wants to be far away from girls as possible.”, Fernando tells her.
“But, I would not hurt it, I mean you…”, Juanita says.
“Sure you wont. It hurts no matter what right now- whether I’m holding it or is in my underwear, it just hurts, and it’s because of her! So no- you can’t look at it!”, he tells her.
Juanita remains silent for a moment.
“Look. Go to the damn pool, and if I decide to go, I’ll have Rachel take me there. Until then, I want to be left alone!”, Fernando tells her.
Juanita just blinks a couple of time to allow reality to set into this situation. She then gathers her things and leaves then room.
The girls spend their time downstairs for a few minutes, mainly gathering their things and putting their clothes back on. Few words are exchanged among them. Fernando remains seated, concentrating on trying to listen on what they were saying. Rachel runs back up stairs once she closes the door after letting them out. She sits on the bed next to her brother.
“Fernando, are you OK?”, she asks.
“No, I’m not.”, he tells her.
“So what happened? From what I got from them Cathy may have accidentally bit you while sucking your dick.”, Rachel asks and says.
“Fucking Cathy, I swear.”, Fernando says. “She like to play too rough and this time she went to far.”
“What did she do?”, Rachel asks.
“Like you said, she bit my dick, and it hurts!”, Fernando answers loudly.
“She actually chomped down on you?”, Rachel asks.
“No, not really.”, Fernando says in a more calmed down tone.
“Then what happened?”, she continues to ask.
“I don’t know. She thinks there is a hook on her retainer that got me. To me it felt like she tried to chomp on my dick.”, Fernando explains.
“Well… can I see your dick?”, Rachel asks.
Fernando looks at her with a bit of uncertainty.
“You can trust me, I would never ever hurt you!”, Rachel pleads.
Fernando thought about it for a moment. “Alright…’, he says, getting out of his blanket and puts his legs over the edge of the bed. He grabs the waistband of his briefs, pulling them out and then down to under his balls. He takes his dick with his free hand and shows it to her.
Rachel puts her hand over his hand. Slowly he slid his hand out for her to hold him. She bends down to examine his dick, being gentle with it as she flexed it semi firm hardness from side to side and about. There she saw it, behind the head on the left side, a welt of swelling where the other side did not have one. It was also right red.
“I see it, it looks kinda bad but I don’t see any teeth marks. Maybe we can put some ice to put the swelling down?”, Rachel says, putting his dick down on his leg.
“Ice?!! NO WAY!” Fernando almost shouts.
“I’ll be right back.”, Rachel says as she runs out the room. A minute later she returns with a zip-lock sandwich bag filled with ice, wrapped about in paper towels.
“What is that?’, Fernando ask.
“Just some ice to shrink the swelling and make the pain go away.”, Rachel says.
“I refuse.”, Fernando says.
“Well, want to put it in my pussy and see if that will work?”, Rachel asks.
“No, it hurts a lot as it is.”, Fernando answers.
“Then we need to do something about it. Because if you’re still in pain and its swelled up even more, I would not be able to have you do me lovely, and you might need to see a doctor and get a shot right there for that!”, Rachel explains.
Fernando looks at her, not wanting to have an injection put into his dick.
“If you don’t do this or this does not work, then you will need to see a doctor. But if does work, then you don’t need to see a doctor. You need to try something.” Rachel almost pleaded with him.
Fernando does not want to answer. Rachel slowly leans over to him, gingerly taking his cock from his leg, and supporting it while she puts the makeshift ice pack on his leg. She then puts his dick against the plastic bag. He tenses up from the sheer coldness of the ice against one of his most sensitive spots on his body. Rachel gets him to calm down for the moment and sit with him for the interim, checking on the bag of ice.
Twenty minutes has passed and much of the ice has turned to water. Rachel takes his dick from the bag and takes the bag and puts it on the floor gently as to not let it burst its watery content into the floor. She goes back to examine his dick, which has now shriveled up to a tiny size.
“Uhm…”, Rachel looks at his dick.
“It gets like that sometimes.”, he tells her. “Come here.”
Rachel sits up while still holding him down there. “What?” she asks.
Fernando leans over and kisses her on the nose. For a second she giggles. “You know it don’t work on me.”
“I know. That’s why I did it, to tell you to do the same to me.”, he explains.
“Kiss you on the nose? OH!”, she says quietly. She then leans over and kisses him on the nose. His dick seemed to spring back to life as it begins to grow inside her hand. “Wow… from tiny acorns big mighty oak trees grows.”, she says.
“Comparing my dick to an oak tree?”, Fernando asks.
“Yes, one I would love to climb on every day.”, she tells him as she looks at his dick. “Does it still hurt?”, she asks.
“It feels kinda numb actually.”, Fernando says.
“Well, the swelling is gone but it’s still red.”, she tells him. Fernando can only shake his head. “Maybe I can kiss it to make it feel better?”, she continues.
“No!”, Fernando tells her as he snaps his briefs back to his waist and then takes Rachel’s hand out of them. For a moment she pouts. “Look. Where were the girls going? I gather since they were wearing their bikinis, they would be going to the pool.”
“Want to go to the pool?”, Rachel asks.
“You find out whether they still are and if the are or not, I’m going. If you want to come, that’s on you.”, Fernando tells her.
“I’ll go anywhere you go.”, Rachel says.
“Then go check up on them.”, Fernando tells her.
Rachel runs out of the room to get the phone downstairs. Fernando strips down to nothing and puts on his Speedo, then prepares his swimming bag, stuffing it with his towel, first aide kit and other things into it. He put in his regular clothes on again.
Rachel runs back up to the room, saying, “Cathy and Juanita are at Cathy’s house deciding on what to do. But the laundry is not finished.”
“Well, then. You and the girls can wait here for the laundry to get done while I go to the pool.”, he tells her.
“That’s not fair!”, Rachel says, almost yelling.
“Its not like I’ll be going to some secret hiding place. Maybe the girls can help you sort out the laundry when its done and save you some fifteen minutes in doing that. Meanwhile, as you wait, you might as well put on your bathing suit…”, Fernando explains.
“Can you wait? Please?”, Rachel pleads.
“No. I want to be nowhere near Cathy when she gets like this. And even though I’m on her shit list now, she is also on mine.”, he tells her. He takes his bag and other things with him, extending his folded cane and starts walking out the door. Rachel follows him to the door yet does not follow him outside the house. Once he leaves the yard, she closes the door and makes a call on the phone.
“Yeah, he just left. Five minutes? OK. I’ll wait.”, Rachel says before hanging up the phone.
Cathy and Juanita look out Cathy’s bedroom window, watching Fernando walk down the block and past her house. Once he reaches the corner, they gather their things and go out the door to Rachel’s house. Opening her door, Rachel explains her situation.
“I can’t leave until I get the laundry done first.”, Rachel explains.
“How long is that going to take?”, Juanita asks.
“I don’t know. When ever the washing machine is finished and another 20 minutes for drying.”, Rachel answers.
“That sucks.”, Cathy adds.
“Maybe one of us can go ahead and keep an eye on him?”, Juanita asks.
“Can’t be me. I have to get the laundry done.”, Rachel complains.
Cathy looks at Juanita for a moment.
“What?”, Juanita asks if on the defensive.
“You go.”, Cathy says.
“Why?”, Juanita asks.
“Besides needing find out what is going with him, I need to talk to little sister here… alone.”, Cathy says in an authoritative tone.
“But…”, Juanita started to say something.
“But nothing. Go follow him and hang out with him at the pool. Right now he has at least a four block head start on you.”, Cathy tells her.
“Alright.”, Juanita says. She then gathers her bag with her swimming things in it, and heads out the door.
Rachel goes down to the basement and Cathy follows her. They walk into the hallway of the basement and enter the first room. The washer was going through its final spin cycle.
“Good, its almost done.”, Rachel says.
“It still needs to be put in the dryer.”, Cathy adds.
“I know.”, Rachel says. The washer slows down the washing basin tub before putting it into a complete stop. It then shuts itself off. Rachel opens both the dryer and washer and starts transferring clothes from one to the other.
“So, are you having sex with your older brother or not?”, Cathy asks.
“I already told you that I’m not, despite that I may fantasize about it.”, Rachel tells her as she transfers clothes from one machine to the other. She almost has to crawl into the washing machine to get the last two items. Cathy waited for her to get out before saying anything.
“Then why did he say that you two did?”, Cathy asks.
Rachel just froze there, holding a pair of her panties and his briefs balled up in her hands. Eventually she gets the courage to say something. “Maybe he was lying about it? I don’t know. You two have been yanking on each other’s tails for quite a while now.” She then puts in the last two items into the dryer and starts the machine on Hi-Temp for twenty minutes
“Then tell me the truth. Are you, or did you ever have sex with Fernando?”, Cathy asks.
“Did? Yes. On the second and third times he saved me from an attack, he took me home and mom was not there. So while he waited for her, long story short, I pushed myself on him and gave him a blow job.”, Rachel explains.
“Sounds to me like there is more.”, Cathy says almost to herself.
“Well. To help him out with the stress levels, I do give him a nightly blow job, but its not his fault cause he’s passed out asleep when I do it.”, Rachel tells her.
“Is he aware of what you’re doing?”, Cathy asks.
“He does now. I had to tell him.”, Rachel tells her.
Cathy gives her a stern look, trying to squeeze her for more answers.
Juanita has managed to catch up within two blocks from Fernando as she jogged over eight blocks to do so. She slows down to a fast walk, still trying to catch up with him now that he is within her line of sight. At another five, she finally catches up to him, calling him by name.
“Hi, Fernando!”, she says almost musically. “You mind slowing down?”
Instead, Fernando stops dead in his tracks, catching Juanita unaware to where she walks right into him. They both fall down the ground. Fernando can only sit there and sigh.
“I’m sorry, Fernando! I did not expect you to stop like that!”, she starts to profusely apologize.
“Do you mind, just relax for a second before you end doing something in public?”, Fernando tells her. They both get up, followed by Juanita trying to dust him off. Fernando had to step back and yell at her, “STOP THAT!!!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too…”, Juanita continues to apologize.
“Look, why are you here? Following me again?”, Fernando asks.
“Uhm, no?”, Juanita says.
“You asking me or telling me?”, Fernando says.
“Telling you?”, Juanita says in unintentional question.
“Somehow I don’t believe you.”, Fernando says.
“Well, I wanted to go to the pool, but you upset Cathy that she went to your house to apologize again. So I went without her, I did not know that you were going to the pool until I just saw you a couple of blocks ago.”, she tells him. “Wait, where’s your little sister helping you to get there?”
“Well, I’m not at home, she is doing laundry. If she is up to going to the pool, she can meet me there later. “, Fernando tells her.
“You went off by yourself?”, Juanita asks.
“You questioning my abilities?”, Fernando asks her in an angered tone.
“No, not really…”, Juanita started to say.
Fernando turns and continues walk and Juanita follows.
“Care to slow down?”, Juanita says from a couple of steps behind.
Fernando slows down for a moment. “If you got anything else to say, then just say it.”
“I have nothing to say.’, as Juanita latches herself to his arm.
Fernando stops in his tracks, “Do you mind?”
Juanita looks at him looking at her. “Mind what?”, she asks.
“You latching onto my arm.”, Fernando tells her.
“Oh. No.”, Juanita says.
“I do.”, Fernando tells her.
“Oh….”, was all she could say. Followed by, “Lets go to the pool!”, as she pulled on Fernando to follow her.
Within the next 10 minutes they were at the pool. Juanita finds a spot for them to camp out at, the same spot as the last time. No one really notices that they had arrived, keeping quiet and to themselves they were basically unfound…
until Lucy found them while making her rounds.
Fernando and Juanita were sitting on their towels looking at the others as they played in and about the pool. Lucy was yelling at anyone she thought needed a good reminder of the pool rules, especially of the non-yiffing rule. Any couple she thought was a bit too close for their comfort, she made sure she got their attention. Out of the corner of her eye, she catches a black female squirrel with a beige male squirrel sitting together. Lucy slowly makes her way to them, still bothering others along the way.
Lucy stops by the black and beige squirrels while pretending to ignore them. Once by their feet, she turns to them and starts yelling orders at them.
“You Two! There Is NO!….”, then Lucy realizes who she was yelling at.
“As you were saying?”, Fernando asks her.
Lucy stood there pointing at them, unable to say a sound for a moment. Then she says, “Mrs. Trousers…”, before she starts to step away from them. “Mrs. Trousers!”, she continues with each step as she headed back to the first aide station with increasing speed.
“Isn’t she the one…”, Juanita started to say.
“Yup”, Fernando interrupts her.
“Don’t you think that there might be any trouble?”, Juanita asks.
“Fuck trouble, and fuck her too.”, Fernando tells her.
“You’re the one with the dick.”, Juanita tells her.
“Eh… I would not fuck her with your dick, if you had one.”, Fernando says.
“Gee thanks.”, Juanita tells him. “Now why not?”
“You want me to explain?”, Fernando asks,
“Well, yeah. She looks like she has a cute body on her and a pretty face.”, Juanita starts to describe Lucy.
“I don’t know what you are looking at. She as a face only a mother would love, a mother shark!”, Fernando tells her. “And you have more in the chest and tail area than she does.”
Juanita thanks herself that her fur was black enough to hide how hard she was blushing. Especially since Mrs. Trousers had just arrived. She stands there at his feet, looking down at him with her arms crossed.
“Well. I did not expect you to ever return here.”, Mrs. Trousers tells him.
“I thought this was a free country, where I could go swimming at a public pool without problems or harassment.”, Fernando tells her.
“This is a free country, but my little squirrel puppy, the price of freedom is not free. You should remember that.”, Mrs. Trousers explains to him.
“You mean like the fist, knee and foot print bruises that Lucy inflicted on me? New York General Hospital has them recorded. Spent the last 36 hours there.”, Fernando tells her.
“Now I know you’re lying. Why would you by at a hospital over 100 miles away when Pouncefield General is just a couple of minutes away.”, Mrs. Trousers explains.
“I don’t know. Mother took us there for our last appointments, got our shots and because I have a preexisting condition, I had to be X-rayed and MRI’d from head to toe to see if things improved with the treatments I’m getting. My records will eventually be transferred to Pouncefield General but until then, I have one more appointment before school starts at New York General. And guess what?”, he tells the adult in front of him.
“What? Tell me.”, Mrs. Trousers asks and says.
“My Grandma has the MRIs and X-rays of the injuries along with the doctors reports, and she wants to send them to the police as soon as I give her a name.”, Fernando tells her.
Mrs. Trousers is unaware of the group that has built up behind her, mainly Edna and the girls that were at Fernando’s house the day before.
“Now I don’t believe you.”, Mrs. Trousers says.
“*Ahem* Excuse me Mrs. Trousers…”, Edna says behind her. Mrs. Trousers slowly turns to see the girls behind her. “We were at his house yesterday, and his little sister Rachel said that they did returned from the hospital. Also we saw Fernando, he was passed out on some drug they gave, we could not wake him up.”, Edna continued.
“Yeah.”, the other girls sad around her.
“And his grandmother… I met her. She is not a nice person. If she wants Lucy in jail for hitting her grandson, she will do it.”, Edna stated.
Mrs. Trousers started to feel uncomfortable at what she heard.
“You said that I had to apologize for what pulling on her tail and throwing her into the pool. I don’t think she was required to see a doctor for her injuries.”, Fernando tells her.
“Only cowards and sissies run to the doctor for every ache and pain one could have.”, Mrs. Trousers started to say. This made Fernando stand up to her, followed by Juanita trying to hold him back. “Oh, the little puppy has balls after all.”, Mrs. Trousers mocks him. “Now you listen to me little boy.”, Mrs. Trousers started in a threatening tone. “I run this pool and this facility. I can have you arrested for what you did to Lucy. Now all I am asking for is an apology from you to her so she can do the same to you. If that is too much to ask, then I am going to have to ask you to leave.“
“And if I refuse?”, Fernando asks.
“Refuse, to leave? Then I call the police.”, Mrs. Trousers tells him.
Fernando looks around her, counting at least 3 digital video cameras pointed in their direction. “I would like to see them try, because as a warning to you- I will guarantee that what ever videos the people are recording us right now and my arrest will end up on every news channel before 10o’clock tonight. ‘Police and pool staff harassing blind kid, film at eleven’, I’m sure your fat ass will look nice on my 150 inch flat screen at home. Also in the next morning, you will have to deal with both my Grandmother and Mother. All I can do is maybe kick your ass, but them- they will make you life a living hell through the courts and their lawyers. And when they are through with you, you will be opening doors and stopping traffic for me for as long as I live here. If unless you want a nightmare for a life, I would advise you to go away and do your job.”
For a while, there was a long uncomfortable silence about the place, a place that would normally be filled with the sounds of splashing water and children having fun.
Breaking the silence was a sickening thud of a splash, the kind of sound that signals somebody fell in of not of their own choosing. Everyone turns to the deep end, seeing a young mother yelling, “My Baby!”
Lifeguards start to respond to the scene from all over. Fernando breaks away from Juanita, and pushes Mrs. Trousers out of the way as he ran to the edge of the pool, diving towards the water, but ends up gliding inches above the waves. Fernando puts his hands into the waters to slow his rate and dive into the deep end. At the same time the other lifeguards including Lucy dove in after the child. Everyone stands quietly at the edge of the pool, the seconds can be felt ticking away. Water breaks at the ladder at the far end as Fernando climbs out with the child in his arms. He runs to the first aide station with it, giving it breathe from mouth to mouth, its mother following behind, along with everyone at the pool.
The child, a ferret male puppy of about 5 years old, is given immediate medical attention at the first aide station. Fernando walks out of the first aide station, to the sounds of an applauding crowd, which pisses him off. “CUT IT OUT!”, he yells at them. They were stunned into silence as he started to walk away. They gather by the door of the first aide station, but Juanita follows him back to their towel camp.
“Is the kid going to make it?”, Juanita asks.
“I don’t know. He breathed in a lot of water, so until his lungs are cleared, it may take a while.”, he tells her as the sound of a distant ambulance can be heard arriving to the pool. After the child is taken away by ambulance, things return to normal at the pool.
“I hate getting wet.”, Fernando says to himself.
“I thought you liked swimming.”, Juanita replies.
“I like swimming when I go swimming, not when I am forced to take action like saving that kid.”, Fernando tells her. Edna and her friends gather about Fernando and Juanita’s camp.
“That was awesome how you saved that kid!”, Edna almost gushes as she pounces on him and holds him tightly.
Fernando has to wrestle her off him, “Do You Mind Getting Off ME!!”, he almost yells as he manages to get Edna off him, sitting on floor between him and Juanita.
“We’re just trying to be nice to you.”, Laura tells him.
“Well, I want to be left alone!”, he tells her loudly.
They all look at him, unsure of what to make of his actions and reactions. In their minds most heroes would want to be held and kissed by the ladies as a sort of attention and reward, but Fernando is against it for some reason as they see it. Mrs. Trousers arrive a couple of minutes later with a couple of lifeguards and Lucy.
“You call yourself handicap, but yet you managed out perform my life guards.”, Mrs. Trousers starts to say. “And your actions, only a trained professional would know them. How can you?”
“How can Lucy? Unless she was trained.”, Fernando asks and then says.
“Lucy was trained, top of my class. Now explain yourself.”, Mrs. Trousers answers and demands.
“I don’t have to explain myself to no one.”, Fernando tells her.
“Then I have no other choice.”, Mrs. Trousers says, “I’m going to get the police. Frank, Luke, get the officers that are still here when the ambulance came.”
The pair ran off to the first aide station to recover the two officers that were there.
“You cant call the cops on him!”, Edna shouts at Mrs. Trousers. “He saved that kid!”
“He interfered with a rescue. And if that child dies, there will be homicide charges to deal with.”, Mrs. Trousers tells her and the others.
“That child was already dead when I pulled him out. “, Fernando says. Everyone turns to face him in disbelief. “Isn’t that what the term ‘Drowned’ means? I pulled out a drowned kid. Now if he is revived, that is another matter but I pulled out a dead puppy. As for your crew, I beat them a full ten seconds before they reacted, and I was the furthest from the scene. So go ahead, this might not be New York City but I’m sure I can get a State Investigation Board to close the pool for the rest of the year and never have it reopen again.”
“So you think you’re so smart?”, Mrs. Trousers asks him.
“All I know is that everyone has a boss. And when I find yours, you will be fired after I have a long talk with that person.”, Fernando tells her. The two officers arrive with the lifeguards.
“Is there a problem, madam?”, one of the officers asks.
“Yes. Arrest this squirrel for interfering with a rescue.”, Mrs. Trousers tells him. The crowd begins to boo and jeer loudly. Some were cursing and yelling at her.
“He rescued that boy!”, Edna stood up in front of Fernando.
Both officers turn to face Mrs. Trousers. “Is that true?”, the first officers asks.
“His so-called rescue is the interference I’m complaining about. He’s not a life guard here!”, Mrs. Trousers exclaims. “And if that kid dies, he should be facing homicide charges!”
“Alright kid, lets go.”, the second officer says.
Fernando gathers his cane and towel as he got up. As he put his thumb through the loop of the cane’s thongs, the police officers became apprehensive and reached for their mace and clubs. Fernando extends the cane, and puts the tip against the floor.
“Let me put on my clothes first.”, Fernando says as he slides the cane against the floor. Those around him get out of his way as he starts to walk to the locker room. Juanita gets up and runs after him, stopping in front of him. He stops to keep from running into her, tapping his cane against her foot. The other girls gather around them.
“Don’t go!”, she tells him.
“I don’t have a choice. But tell Cathy and Rachel what happened when they get here, and I’ll be back.”, he tells her.
“Alright kid, lets go…” the second officer started to say as he reaches for Fernando’s arm.
“Touch me and I’ll make you regret it!”, Fernando tells him.
“Oh really?”, the second officers says.
“You want Internal Affairs on your ass for harassing and assaulting a blind kid?”, Fernando interrupts him from saying a word after his question. “I’ll cooperate and walk in peace, but I’m sure those behind us with the video cams are so willing to send their recordings to the local TV news stations.”
The officers turn around to see the crowd, some with digital cameras, others with cell phone with built-in camera pointed their way and recording everything.
“Cops versus blind kid… its not going to look for you two. Now Juanita. I have to go.”, he says as he steps around her. Together they walk to the locker room. The girls stop short of walking into the boys’ room.
Fernando open his locker and starts taking off his Speedo, finding his Lifeguard ID card inside still tied to the inside cord. He looks at the card, though pretending to feel for his things inside his locker. He slowly turns to them. “You know boys, this can end right now.”
“Yeah right.”, one of the officers says. Fernando holds the card and puts it to his face with his Speedo hanging off it.
“What’s this?”, the officers says as he takes the card but Fernando does not let it go. “Jefferson Pool Jr. Life Guard… Department of Parks and Recreation, New York City, NY… Fernando Gutierez has completed the Life Guard and Water Safety course and is a volunteer lifeguard… You a trained lifeguard, kid?”
“You still want to take me to jail?”, Fernando says to them.
“That remains to be seen. How about you tell us what happened out there.”, the first officer says.
Fernando takes his Speedo and wrings it out dry. He places it on the bench behind him as he puts on his clothes. “It’s a long story, but that woman has it in for me and I have done nothing. But her little protégé has attacked me and she’s backing her up. Now during this discussion, everyone was around us to get into the argument. But I heard a splash from the other end of the pool- the deep end. So, training kicks is and I pull out a drowned kid, long before her staff was aware of what is happening.”
“You telling us the truth, boy?”, the first officer says.
“There are at several digital video recorders out there that recorded everything and over 200 witnesses saw it all.”, Fernando tells him as he gets dressed.
“Hmmm…”, one of the officers says.
“Believe me, you don’t want to take this to court. I’ll have your badges on top of having internal affairs on your cases.”, Fernando tells him.
Fernando gets a tap on the chest with the nightstick from one of the officers, “You know what boy? You don’t ever threaten a cop. Never. Now we can drop this and take you home or you want to take it to another level.”
“So, I cant go back out there?”, Fernando asks.
“Not today. And I would recommend that you stay away from here for the rest of the summer.”, the second officer says.
“But… never mind.”, Fernando says, as he closes his locker. He then picks up his Speedo with the lifeguard ID Card and wraps it inside his towel and stuffs them into his bag. They walk out of the locker room. They walk to the street where the police car was parked, the crowd at the fence was booing and jeering at the officers. Fernando gets into the rear seat and the officers take the front seats.
“Alright kid, where do you live?”, the first officer says.
“Live?”, Fernando asks.
“You know, your home address.”, the officer says.
“Uhm… I don’t know.”, Fernando answers.
“What do you mean you don’t know.”, the second officer says.
“I just moved here a couple of days ago.”, Fernando says.
“Alright. We’ll drive slow so you can see where we are and tell us where to turn.”, the first officer says.
“Uhm… Marv.”, the second officer says to get the first’s attention.
“What, Nelson.”, the first says to the second.
“Look at the back seat.”, the second says.
The first turns around, seeing Fernando sitting there, holding onto his cane with both hands under his chin. “Shit.” The first officer says to himself.
“Something wrong?”, Fernando asks.
“Nothing is wrong.”, the first says. They drive off making the turn to the corner and stop. The first officer steps out of the car and opens the rear door. “Kid, get out.” He tells Fernando.
“We here already?”, Fernando says, knowing that he is not.
“You cant see and don’t know where you live.”, the first officer says. “Now, the pool is that way. You are not to go that way, we will be there in case you do. Now you go find your way home on your own.”
“But, I don’t know where I am.”, Fernando tells them.
“That’s your problem.”, the first officers continues. “Either this or we take you to the station for questioning and keep you there until your parents pick you up.”
Fernando takes a step onto the sidewalk and starts walking up the block.
When Fernando has walked up more than half the block, the second officer asks the first, “You think a wise thing to do? What if he gets lost or hurt?”
“He’s no longer our responsibility.”, the first officer says.
When Fernando gets home, he calls the police station, making a complaint to the captain, giving names and badge numbers.
Meanwhile, back at the pool, Cathy and Rachel gets there as Fernando was leaving and somehow missed each other. Juanita explains everything to them, and the both of them were required to hold back Rachel from flying off the handle. Edna walks right up to her with the other girls.
“Look. We were here when it happened. And a lot of us here have been talking, and we been planning on how to get even with Lucy and Mrs. Trousers.”, Edna tells her.
“NO! I WANT TO GET HER MYSELF!!!”, Rachel yells out at her.
“And you’ll be in jail with your brother!” , Cathy tells her.
“I DON’T CARE!!!”, Rachel shouts out.
“You better care! If you love your brother, you have to be out of jail because being in jail wont help him!”, Cathy tells her.
“Come on…”, Edna tells her, “Lets go to the girls room and discuss battle plans.”
Reluctantly, Rachel follows her with the other girls to the girls’ locker room. For ten minutes they discuss battle plans. Boycotting the pool so that it becomes empty. Lucy walks in on the tail end of the conversation.
“Well, what’s this I walked into.”, Lucy says.
“None of your business.”, Cynthia tells her.
“Oh. I think we have a disruptive group here…”, Lucy begins to say, mocking them. “I think I should call the police!”
“Do that and it will be the last thing you will do.”, Rachel says out loud.
Lucy turns to face her, “Oh, you threatening me?”
“I don’t threaten, I make promises. And I promise to kick your tail before this summer is through.”, Rachel tells her.
“Oh sure.”, Lucy started to say. She is interrupted as a cell phone inside a locker rings. The girls all open their lockers to find if it was theirs. Juanita opens her flip cell phone and answers the call.
“Oh, its you? But how? OK, wait.”, Juanita starts to say. “Lucy, its for you.”, as she hands over the cell phone for her.
“Yeah, who is this.”, Lucy barks at the phone.
“Notice that the two officers are still at the pool, they never took me to the police station.” A voice says to her.
Lucy turns pale at the sound of the voice.
“Now, Lucy. I don’t care for that rinky dink pool you got over there, but we do have a problem to resolve and it will be you and me alone. Got that?”, the voice tells her.
“I got that.”, Lucy replies.
“Good. Now I’ll give you home court advantage, you name the place. I will be there at 10:30 in the morning. “, the voice tells her.
“10:30, at the park, by the lake over the hill. There is a jetty there, be on it.”, Lucy explains.
“I’m going to need time to find it, you know, my condition and all.”, the voice says. “But, I’ll be there at the park entrance by 10:30, and I’ll get there when I find the place. I’ll expect that you will be following me.”
“Hmph.”, Lucy says.
“Remember- 10:30, alone.”, the voice tells her.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be alone.”, Lucy says.
The call gets disconnected. Lucy hands the cell phone back to Juanita and leaves.
“Who was that?”, Cathy asks.
“That was Fernando.”, Juanita says.
“From jail?”, Cathy asks.
“I doubt they would be letting him watch cartoons.”, Juanita answers.
“So he’s at home?”, Rachel asks
“I believe so.”, Juanita answers.
“This is not making any sense!”, Cathy started to say. “You all say that the police took him to the police station because of Lucy and Mrs. Trousers? What would he be doing home?”
“I don’t know. He did not say.”, Juanita stated.
Cathy takes her cell phone and calls the house. She gets a busy signal on the other end. “Damn it, its busy.”
“Look, how about we just all go home.”, Juanita says.
“Wait, what was that Lucy said?”, Edna stated. “10:30, at the park, by the lake over the hill, on the jetty?”
“What about it?”, Cathy says.
“Oh… never mind.”, Edna says. “Lets go home.”
– End of: Super Saturday, The Start of a Long Weekend –